
I need a schedule.have year to train for a 12 km cross country goal is to run the 12 km in 40 mins ?

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I have my competition in Aug next year.A 12 km X country run to finish within 40 mins to win!!i need a complete schedule for training.currently am running the distance in 42 mins!!Please help




  1. The 12km (7.49) cross country (xc) distance is a not so common distance for either xc or road racing. for this reason you should get as much as possible experience running that distance. The next standardized down if the 10K (6,2mile) and much more common.  That pace would get you a would about 37:30 10K time.

    First, you will need to keep a journal of your daily run and add then up at the end of every week.  This is important because a good pair of training shoes is designed for 500-miles of use. After they you begin to risk getting injured

    Start with developing the strength in your legs.  This is accomplished by doing nonstop runs 6-7 days a week with a long run in the schedule. The long run should only be 20% of your total weekly mileage.  Gradually increase your mileage about 8-10 every 3 weeks this will give you body time at adapt to your mileage so that you can raise it without getting injured. At the end of ten weeks you can begin to incorporate more difficult runs like:

    Tempo Runs

    Fralek Runs

    Steady States

    Long (grass) Interval



                into your training schedule.

    To reach you genetic potential for your current age you will need to train consistently for 24-32 weeks (6-8months), After you have completed that program, take one week off and do other sports/physical activities that you enjoy, but no running at all..just active rest. Then start running again for 3-4 days for the second week. Then 5-6 days for week three, that will phase you back into your base training with a lots of strength for the last training program.  This sit you will be stronger so your weekly mileage will be higher to start with.

    I ran the Men's 12K xc race at the 1997 National cross country championships at Blue Lake in Portland, Oregon

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