
I need a scholarship for my college. where can i find one?pls help me..?

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I studied in UP for a year and a half and stopped from school because my father don't want to support my studies at UP...can somebody give me more info? i Had a friend who got a scholarship in Indonesia here in the philippines..its like a scholarship to study abroad..pls help me..




  1. Check out for scholarship information and suggestions.

  2. Sure. I will suggest you to try to find out some college scholarships

  3. This is a really hard question to answer,

    Someone had send me this website and you'll come to a site that has all the info you need .

    Hope this helps out some way :)

    sources :




  4. In the spectrum of educational funding, scholarships and grants are the "free money." These awards do not need to be repaid. In general, scholarships are given based on merit and grants are given based on financial need. They may be awarded based on need, or excellence in academics or other areas, or on a combination of both. The aid may be given by the federal or state government.

    Many scholarships awarded to University students have separate processes, deadlines, eligibility criteria, and application forms. The resource links provided here will introduce you to a wide spectrum of possibilities available from the University and numerous other philanthropic agencies, organizations, and individuals.

    Now The question is that how college funding works, the types of scholarships available, how to find them and how to apply for them. That’s pretty standard issue for a website about scholarships, although we think if you’ll pardon us saying so, that we’ve done an excellent and job of being comprehensive and readable. Here’s what’s different.

    Scholarships are the ideal form of student aid, as they're basically gifts that never have to be repaid. On the other hand, student loans must be repaid, but they're made at very low interest rates, and you're usually you're not required to begin repayment until six months after you graduate. Some student loans require you to prove financial need, but some of them don't. Many students turn to student loans as a method to pay for college. Basically, if you cannot get access to the free money you have to borrow it in the form of a student loan.

  5. has SO many scholarship applications.  I would suggest you at least check it out.  You have to fill out a survey and they'll tell you what you qualify for.

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