
I need a self cert self build mortgage for 160,000 but have poor credit.?

by  |  earlier

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can anyone recomend a mortgage provider i have no ccjs just defaults only 2,000 left until i am debt free and can clear them if need be. i have 25,000 cash deposit. any help would be apreciated. i live in glasgow area.




  1. ring the contact number in and ask for a complimentary copy of the moneyfacts magazine.

    There are a list of companies that deal with people in your situation. Then you have to pick a company that you are happy with.

  2. If you have the land, plans, planning permission and builders all lined up, most normal banks/building societies should consider you .. try to avoid the 'sub-prime' lenders (they will charge you an arm & a leg)

    I suggest you visit a few of the 'self build' forums and ask for advise from people who have already done it ..

  3. You should try and get a local broker to help you find a good rate. One who either does not charge a fee or charges a nominal amount, If you want to see if there is better deal than what you are being offered, go to and ask free of charge if you are getting the best deal.

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