
I need a sensible advice, I feel so helpless now.?

by  |  earlier

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I know my bf got scared when I told him I love him especially of what is going to happen weeks from now, having his foot amputated, him being transferred to San Diego for that and stay there and won't being able to walk/drive and not being able to see me as much as before. I don't want him to push me away because of all these circumstances. What else can I do besides telling him that I love him no matter what. I think there more to it than that to take away the fear he is feeling right now.




  1. I honestly don't think there is much else you can do.

    If you are telling him that you love him, and will be together

    no matter what, and he STILL pushes away. Then you just are

    going to have to let him do that. He might push away but come back

    Sometimes people just need time to think about things.

    But I do hope things work out for you.

    Just let everything fall into place

    Don't force it.

    I hope I helped <3

  2. Perhaps he is doing this because he loves you and he doesn't want you to have to be with him because of  what he may think is a problem. I am sure he does not want to be a burden on you and is having many thoughts about how he will be able to accomplish anything in life without a foot. I think you just hang in there and be supportive, if he pushes you a way, understand his fears, I would think as time passes he may be able to resolve any fears he has and realize you truly want to be there for him. I think the less said, the better, just be there to listen.

  3. Tell him that everything will be okay, and pray that it really is and will be, that's all you can do for now

  4. Just reassure him that the amputation wont make any difference to your relationship, and just keep on telling him you love him. Good luck anyway.

  5. When guys get close to very traumatic events in their lives, (such as his amputation) they tend to close up sometimes. Don't press him for a response to your declaration of love--that will just be too much for him to handle right now. Just keep it light and breezy with him for a while, or at least until he is finished with the surgery.

    He's not really pushing you away--he just doesn't know how to make his feelings clear and simple, and believe me, he just wants things to be simple. If you bog him down with emotion, you'll risk him shutting off completely. Ask him if he feels like talking about losing his foot. If he says no, respect that. He means it.

    You can't do anything else, and don't add "no matter what" to it if you say you love him again. Just say you love him. Period. It's really hard to understand this, because when women face trauma, they need to talk--to work things out out-loud--but guys don't. They just want to think simple things, simple thoughts, and no over-bearing emotion. Maybe you could take him fishing, or somewhere peaceful--I'm serious--and just be quiet with him for a long time.

    Guys don't like sharing their fear with girls. It makes them feel less masculine, and less capable.

  6. their isnt much you can do but let him kno how much you love him and you willdo wutever you can for him.  you could stay in touch over the internet an the phone but now why hes wit you you jus need to realy show him how much you care about him thats wut really matters

  7. the best advice i can give you is to say i love you, and to really mean it. just let him know that you are there for them, and just pray and hope for the best.

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