
I need a serious answer for the question: What would you do if you were governor of nj for one week?

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i need some helpful answers not silly ones. thank you. I need about a paragraph.




  1. get rid of all the crooked politicians and make sure that the tax payers money is being used for what it is supposed to be and it is not being wasted

  2. I Think like Philly we sould have a full bkgrnd investigation on the people running this state.

    I'm a S_Jerzeygal if Ya couldn't tell....I answered same Q from U a moment ago, Honestly b/c I was not feeling any real answers posted for you so check that one out and I hope U get some Honest answers.  

    If they don't live here they don't know the struggles that goes on day after day.

    Give Our Money Back & Stop The " Double Taxation W/O Representation B4 We All Take This 'Tea-Party'  To Another State..."  If U C Tomato's Floting in the River You'll Know Why.

    The Garden State, Let's Plant Some Seeds.

    Smart Girl You'll Catch That One...

  3. When the blunders and slip-ups with human errors created back in the past being expose in time after the mystery of us-911.

    That took more than 50 years to creeps out in time.

    What do we expect to do in one week?

    I submit my resignation.

    What do you think?

  4. Being a former employee of John Corzine's, I would undo everything he did in the Governor's seat.  Allow Bars to allow smoking, but not family restaurants.  Stop printing all state documents in 2 languages, just in English, Only allow the drivers test at DMV to be taken in English not 8-12 other languages as well, repeal the sneaky real estate tax of 4% of the sale of a home that was never on homes before, Throw Corzine out of the state by force if necessary.  With the savings from printing of English only documents ( $8 billion), reinforce the NJ coastline from erosion, and secure the farming industry.  Disband the teacher's union, make all lobby's illegal in the state- for they are not of the people, but of only special interests bankrupting the state.  Make public school uniforms manditory, children will have to have civics added to their curiculim, FT Dix would be reopened to allow NJ veterans from Iraq to have a place to stay if they had nowhere to go after returning, secret police would file and watch all mosques and synegogues for terrorist activity.  All judges will be removed and replaced with newer judges who will follow the letter of the constitution as originally intended by our White Anglo Saxon Ancestors who started this country.

  5. give hoboes food

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