
I need a short paragraph of the Roman emperor Galerius. Can someone help me?

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I need a short paragraph of the Roman emperor Galerius. Can someone help me?




  1. Gaius Galerius Valerius Maximianus was born in 242 near Sardica (dying 311), meaning was a Paeonian by origin (for some his mother coming from Dacia Traiana over Danube), he’s originally following his father’s occupation (traditional one for those Paeonian lands) – the stock-breeding as herdsman (from where his surname of Armentarius), he’s serving with distinction as soldier under Aurelianus and Probus, when named in 293 (two Caesars from will of Diocletianus should be replacing their two Augusts – happening with retirement of emp. Diocletianus on May 1st 306) Caesar of Illyria with Constantius Chlorus (of Gaul) he’s receiving (being Diocletianus’ close friend) daughter of Diocletian Valeria, in 296 with beginning of Persian war he’s removed to the Euphrates, his first campaign is crushing defeat, but in 297 he’s advancing in the mountains of Armenia for gaining decisive victory over Narses and forcing him for concluding peace.

    First emperor of Illyria and second of Rome – with beginning of Dominate and Tetrarchy from Diocletianus, after becoming the principal August with a co-ruler in West Constantius Chlorus – Galerius is probably intending after death of Chlorus assuming direct power over whole empire – for the purpose he promoted to the rank of Caesars – his nephew Maximinus Daia as Caesar of Illyria (his own Junior co-emperor), and then Flavius Valerius Severus, a faithful servant – for Gaul (co-ruler of Constantius Chlorus); that is followed from sudden elevation of Constantine at York (after death of Chlorus, his father) proclaimed as “August” from his troops – recognized as a Caesar from Galerius (after Constantine, raised in court of emperor Galerius in Nicomedia as hostage delivered from his father Constantius, is asking in a letter full of loyalty and submission his patron for the rank – for supporting peace and unity of the empire). All those were Galerius’ personal relations and compatriots.

    Galerius was such a patriot of his Roman part of Dacia Mediterranea (with capital of Sardica and cities like Pautalia-Kyustendil and Naissus-Nish, principal part from Dacia Aureliana as Dacia Ripensis – Riverside Dacia was just narrow strip along Danube, exposed to Barbarian attacks) that was intending changing name of the Roman empire into his own “Dacian” one, but that isn’t surprising as what indeed can be more Roman than the most Roman from Roman provinces – of the Dacia Aureliana since 270-272 concentrating the pan-Roman colonists of the Old Dacia – which coming from each part and province of the empire, but principally from most ancient, developed, peopled, rich and civilized and principal ones of Italy, Greece, Anatolia and Egypt, remembering that at Traian’s epoch Roman provinces were also Babylonia, Assyria and Armenia. Those were special colonists specially chosen for a special task in the most special Roman province of Traianus, becoming the principal Roman basis, support and establishment and stronghold over Danube where those colonists should be developing the society, policy, economy and culture.

    Those colonists (concentrating on relatively small areas relating old province) staying the only true Roman population of province – as the local Dacians or Getians pushed to the mountains, and for whom the Latin starting spreading as lingua franca – out and in province itself were never seaming very much supporting Roman power, policy and state – staying after 270 into their own mountain areas. Dacia Traiana was sure considered the greatest victory and triumph for the greatest of Roman emperors, whose Roman population evacuated from Aurelianus – “Restitutor Orbis”, the “Restorer of World” for saving and supporting and re-establishing the principal and known and famous Roman province into most strategic Central Balkan areas – with their much special old local Paeonian-Bessian populations – Dacia Aureliana restoring Northeast border of Illyria and of the first strategic Central-Balkan Roman protectorate of Mesia, Macedonia and Achaya (in 15-45 A D) which was under August with beginning of Principate establishing the strategic border on Danube – dreamed from great Caesar. Population of Dacia Aureliana can be there compared to cities like Rome, later Constantinople, or Babylon, Suzes, Ekbatana in East.

    Dacia Aureliana was restoring (finally formed under dynasty of Julii-Claudii) Protectorate – prototype of Illyria which forming from the first Balkan Roman provinces of Macedonia and Achaya (or Greece), and a created between 27 and 15 B C Mesia – the first Balkan Roman Mesia or the Upper Mesia between Iscar and Drina with their courses, the province receiving name of one, actually part from Triballia, attributed for unknown reasons relations with the known Anatolian Mysians – small and unknown mysterious Balkan country named “Moesia” (if not case of homonymic names – being attributed name of Anatolian Mysians, for evicting confusions changed to “Moesia”) around the Ciabrus-Tsibritsa river – river becoming later border between the Upper and Lower Mesia, Mesia is later under Diocletian name of South diocese of Illyrian prefecture – diocese soon divided into the two new ones of Dacia and Macedonia (from names of their principal provinces)

    As already in 46 vassal Odryssian Thracian kingdom – always a submitted vassal, direct Roman protection and instrument of Roman policy is disformed – generally divided still existing in two parts with the principal, rich and developed and Hellenized South, and north from Haemus-Balkan – the “wild and close to enemy lands” entrusted to some relation of principal ruler – with the North-Thracian areas and populations, sometimes contested and submitted from Getians over Danube; kingdom is deprived from its non-Hellenized North parts becoming part of also principally non-Hellenized and later Latinized Mesia (separated second time in 86 as Lower Mesia – staying a narrow strip of land along Danube), when replacing kingdom Hellenist Roman province of Thrace is united with Hellenist parts of the ex-protectorate – that is the Southeast of Mesia (Paeonian lands with Sardica-Sofia, Pautalia-Kyustendil, Turres-Pirot – for 2 centuries and quarter part of “Thrace”) and few East parts of Macedonia.

    Odryssian kingdom of “Thrace” spreading for long periods in whole East Balkans (Diocletianus’ diocese of Thrace, where on Lower Danube bordering Getians, on most Lower Danube and Delta – the Scythians), but interested mostly in Southeast Thrace (where Uscudama-Odryssa becoming basis for advance in Northwest), centered on its ethnically Odryssian areas of the Agrianes-Ergene river (Odryssians were not widely spread tribe but occupying most fertile, productive and generous lands of Balkans with a considerable population) was becoming principally supported from Athens for supporting the security and stability, and control and power over Straits – most strategic for Athens. Kingdom naturally spreading its power in East Balkans and their principal plains was having no capital and the king was moving between different residences on his vast territories. The kingdom in its last periods turned into direct Roman instrument, support and protection (replacing Athens) was often defeated from the Bessians – killing Odryssian kings or pursuing them up to Roman Chersonese where them have searching asylum with the Romans, kingdom ruled in its last century from Central-Balkan Sapean dynasty.

    After the Galerius’ invasion of Italy (rebelling and separating from imperial power, proclaiming its own August) having no definite success Galerius proclaimed as August his close friend Licinius in 308 and afterwards devoting the left years of his life “to the enjoyment of pleasure and to the execution of some works of public utility”, though his own inspired (from his great influence on his friend and senior East co-emperor Diocletianus) anti-Christian edict in 303 is resulting in greatest persecution of the Christians in empire under Diocletian, in last year of his rule is edicted under his name and signed from his subordinate co-rulers of Licinius, Maximinus and Constantine the first edict of tolerance, the edict of Nicomedia (confirmed two years later from Galerius’ successors – Constantine and Licinius) – stoppping the anti-Christian persecutions, as Galerius is first to see the danger from the interior oppositions of empire. After his death is starting Civil war of the 7 self-proclaimed “Augusts” won sure from his protégés Constantine (finishing the re-conquest of Italy) and Licinius.

  2. He originally followed his father's occupation, that of a herdsman, where he got his surname of Armentarius (Lat. armentum, herd). He served with distinction as a soldier under Aurelian and Probus, and in 293 at the establishment of the Tetrarchy, was designated Caesar along with Constantius Chlorus, receiving in marriage Diocletian's daughter Valeria (later known as Galeria Valeria), and at the same time being entrusted with the care of the Illyrian provinces.

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