
I need a short poem.....?

by  |  earlier

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i need a poem that the writer is struggling with deeply-seated, strong, repressed emotions for the subject. the poem must not explicitly mention what these emotions are, or that they even exist. also the poem must start out negatively, or ominously, but end positively and upbeat. the transition should be as smooth and unnoticeable as possible. lastly, the poem must appear to have a definite rhyme scheme, BUT: it must fail. that is, the writer must make it look as though he desperately trued to rhyme, but failed (example: door and lure)




  1. I am so hopeless.

    I am desperate for a poem but cannot write.

    That is why I have been searching..

    for a poem on Yahoo Answers all night.

    Lols. :P

  2. Ok I wont do this for you but I will give you some guidance.

    First thing of a particular topic... a particular emotion or a reason for that oppressed emotion...

    Fixate yourself on it and write an outline of how you feel.

    Then look for metaphors to describe your feelings. (Instead of the word anger try something that gives an image like 'stormy'...)

    As it needs to end upbeat again... work with an outline and fine metaphors...

    it is best to write what you know... so try to find a situation in your life which was really bad and upsetting but somehow it ended ok... and slap it together... :)

  3. Robert Frost

    "Nothing gold can stay"

    Nature’s first green is gold,

    Her hardest hue to hold.

    Her early leaf’s a flower;

    But only so an hour.

    Then leaf subsides to leaf,

    So Eden sank to grief,

    So dawn goes down to day

    Nothing gold can stay.

  4. gracious providence.  Why don't you just add it can't have any punctuation or capital letters and has to look like a Christmas tree when it's typed out?   Have you tried e.e. cummings or Edgar Allen Poe?  His definitely start out ominously and rhyme.  Perhaps "Annabell Lee" by Poe... I'd suggest "The Raven" but it's not a short piece.  Also "The Bells" which is also not short but goes from upbeat to ominous not ominous to upbeat.

  5. well as somebody that i dont really care about said if you wnat something done than DO IT YOURSELF!!!!!!

    seriously i dont think your going to like it if you dont write it or who ever it  is supposed to be for!!!!

  6. it is dark inside

    but the light is coming soon

    behold a new day

  7. i don't think anybody is gonna help u wih this it's too hard

  8. Prick your finger it is done

    The moon has now eclipsed the sun

    The angel has spread its wings

    The time has come for bitter things

  9. Oh, hey! Do it yourself..?

  10. roses are red violets are blue and i love you!

  11. roes's are red violets are blue im in love but not with you

  12. if your a guy..ur g*y..if your a girl..i really like you...

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