
I need a snack to take to a kindergarten class that starts with the letter X. Any ideas?

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I need a snack to take to a kindergarten class that starts with the letter X. Any ideas?




  1. How about X-men cupcakes. Or X-men cookies. Hope this helps.

    The Syko Ward

  2. cake shaped X

  3. xanthan gum

  4. Since there are no foods that begin with the letter X, for a fun activity, invite children to create their own special X food, giving it a special name (that begins with the letter X), drawing a picture of it, describing the food using words and pictures in terms of what it smells like, how it feels, what it tastes like, and how it sounds

    when you eat it. Recommendations for eating it would also be a fun addition.

  5. Take pretzle sticks and put a dot of frosting or melted chocholate in the middle to glue another one across to make an X.

  6. How strict is the teacher?  would it be ok if you made x -shaped snacks?  You could make lots of things into an x shape, like sandwiches using a cookie cutter, or x cookies. or crossed carrot and celery sticks, etc.

  7. There are pretzels that are made into the shape of x's and o's , you could just pick out all the x's in the bag and take the x shaped pretzels.

  8. Easy

    X-tra special _________(place anything snack foodthere)

  9. X - shaped cookies is a good idea in theory, but I know at my kids preschool they requested healthy snacks.  It had to be something that I could just send in and they could just eat - not really part of an activity.

    I used to make finger Jell-O/Knox Blox/Jigglers (whatever you call them) and cut into the shape du jour.  Or slices of cheese (thicker deli-cut American cheese).  Once I did PBJ - but that took the whole loaf and the bread was too thick to cut easily w/ a cookie cutter.  It was a pain (unless you used the Pepperidge Farm thin bread)

    Doing a cupcake with an X on top is cute too, but I would make it low-fat  mini-muffin - and use a recipe where you sub. oil & egg w/applesauce.  You could use just a little bit of icing for the X.  

    I also like the small pretzel sticks the kids could just cross into an X and I do think that there is a cereal out there that is in an X shaped.

    Good Luck!!

  10. This might take some work, but how about using baby carrots?  You could cut a notch out of one (on the diagonal) and put the other on top to make an X.  The kids could then dip them in something and eat them.  Also, what about making X-shaped jello jigglers?

  11. you could have some fun with your child and take pretzels (the straight ones) and take some icing and make them x's it is really fun or you could let the kids do it in class

  12. I can't think of one that starts with X, but isn't there a cereal that has x's in it?  What about xanthan gum?

  13. Can you maybe cut some fruit into X shapes instead, Or make  Pastries or potato bits in X shapes.. and call them "Xtremley tasty Goodies" or something to that effect.

  14. since there is no such food, i would make x shaped cookies and call them x-treme cookies.

  15. an x  in a cupcake.there no food that starts with it anyway

  16. what about sugar cookies using X shaped cookie cutter?


    this is a link to a recipe called xtrema cherry bars they might be Worth a shot but would be a wonderful site to look through for kid pleasing recipes and you can even search in alphabetical order.

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