
I need a summer job... how can I get one?

by  |  earlier

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I live in a tiny village, and it's impossible to get into town without driving. There are two pubs, a fruit shop and a carpet shop, and none of them are hiring at the moment.

I really need a summer job before I go to uni, and I sing, have taken lessons for six years, since I was 12 years old. I was thinking about offering up my services as a pub singer, since the pubs have enough waitresses already. I know I can sing well enough, what I'm really asking is - is this a totally mad idea? How would I go about applying for this job, is it even possible?

Otherwise, does anyone have any ideas of what else I could do? I'm really desperate. I'm inexperienced, though I've done a bit of waitressing here and there, but I'm willing to do anything.

I have A-Levels (I'm sure I have them, at Cs and above, at least, though it's not results day yet) in English, History and French, and I'm sort of expecting ABBish.

Can anyone help me?!





    how about...

    -cooking meals


    -cutting lawns

    -landscaping assistant

    -bagging groceries at the local store

    -polishing silver

    -DJ for parties

    -clown for birthday parties

    -gift wrapping

    -lemonade stand

    -cage cleaning

    -cake/cookie bake sales

    -face painting

    -party planner

    -taking garbage to curb for neighbors

    -paper route


    -delivering groceries

    -errand boy (or girl)

    -photographer or videographer for parties

    -walking dogs

    -house cleaning (so much per chore per day, or several days per week. ex: vacuum twice a week=$4, dust three times a week=$5, mop twice a week=$4, so a month of these would total of $42.

    -project painting house

    -project cleaning out garage or attic

    -pool maintenance

    -baby sitting

    -washing cars

    -beautician's assistant (washing hair, cleaning brushes, sweeping hair)

    -cleaning out closets

    -washing, drying,folding and hanging clothes


    If you child likes younger kids, then a baby sitter is a popular choice.  Parents often need a good and reliable baby sitter to watch their kids.  This position can be even expanded into a baby sitting service, by joining together a group of people who can offer baby sitting services to all the parents in the neighborhood.


    A parents helper is similar to a baby sitter.  However, if your child is too young to baby sit on their own, then a job helping parents is a good opportunity.  They can help watch someone's kids, assist with the feeding, playing, or doing chores around the house.  Later, once your child is older, they would likely have gained some references for regular baby sitting work.


    Instead of a parents helper, your child could simply do house cleaning.  There are many chores that would be suitable such as vacuuming, dusting, etc.


    Everyone is familiar with the old fashioned lemonade stand.  Of course, this is a seasonal business, depending on your location.  During other times of the year, it could be a warm apple cider business -- but be careful if your child needs to handle hot items.  Also try selling coffee, donuts, snack bags, or other food items.  If possible, set up a booth at a local community fair, or sale if allowed.

    In addition to food, there is the possibility of selling other types of items.  Is your child good at crafts?   Then have them make their own artwork to sell.  Sometimes, a combination of food and items makes a good business.


    Car washing is a needed service in many communities.  Have your child get together with a few friends to offer to wash local cars.  As an addition to this business, they can sell items mentioned in the lemonade stand section above while people wait for their car to be washed.  See what other professional car washes charge in your area, and price the services competitively.


    If you child enjoys animals, then try an animal caretaker business.  This might involve walking dogs, dog washing, or general grooming.


    If a neighbor is taking a trip or vacation, then taking care of their house and/or pets may be an opportunity.  This may include watering plants, and any other chores they may need.


    Cutting grass, weeding, trimming, planting flowers, and other landscaping jobs are abundant.  Scan the neighborhood for homes that need landscaping services.  In the spring, offer to plant flowers, or do winter clean-up.


    In the winter time, many people need to have their driveways or sidewalks shoveled.  This job works best when a group of kids can work together shoveling several houses.  Create a business, and make arrangements to shovel peoples houses before the snow storm.

  2. Is there anything you can do? can you wirte? at least a little, you can share your experience and knowledge online, or You can get a freelance job or just join some free money making sites don't say no to teens!! Get a prepaid credit/debit card so you can open a Paypal account on your own and start taking the most out of your internet connection. I've written a site with some online money making and online jobs seems to me online market  has been underestimated by many people. If any of those can help you, I'll be happy and so would you...this is not spam, if this doesn’t help you please ignore it and that’s it, I’m just trying to help. Just go to the page and you'll find sites there. Hope any of those can help you out, good luck...

  3. For singing to be able to apply for such a job, ask your self, would anyone want to hear me sing? if yes what are you waiting for create demand.

    I am sure at your town you have a tourism office apply there maybe some French tourists might need your assistance. Since your desperate am sure you wont mind driving of taking a bus to the city.

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