
I need a sunday school lesson

by  |  earlier

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I teach ages 3-12, and was wondering what would be a good lesson, with activities that would interest all of the kids. I need help also with games for after the lesson, interactive.




  1. depends on wat kind of lesson you looking for?! i could give you one but i dont kno wat kind?!

    i will check bak on here!

  2. “Jesus, a Serving Example”

    Lesson: John 13:1—8, 12—20. The KJV Bible

    Devotional Reading: Isaiah 53:4—6.

    Place: Jerusalem

    Time: about A.D. 30

    **More Activities available by email - contact me and I will send them to you.

    MEMORY VERSE: “I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you”


    John is the only Gospel that tells how Jesus washed the disciples’ feet as an example of humility, although Luke 22:24—27 mentions strife among the disciples as to who was greatest.

    A few days earlier, Jesus had entered into Jerusalem surrounded by a multitude of followers. He had been hailed as a king. The disciples expected that they would soon reign with Him.

    But on this night, Jesus demonstrated by example and instructed by word that His followers are servants, not rulers.

    Jesus told His disciples, “He that is least among you all, the same shall be great” (Luke 9:48). He who truly was great, God Himself, became a servant (Phil. 2:5—8).

    This is a difficult lesson for us to remember and practice today. We live in a me-first culture.

    It is noteworthy that Jesus said we will be blessed if we follow His example and do what He did, serving others (John 13:17).


    Teach that we should follow Jesus’ example by serving others.


    Jesus showed us by example how to serve others.

    We should humbly serve others.


    For Telling the Lesson, bring a large bath towel or beach towel.

    For Helping to Remember, cut muslin (plain-woven cotton fabric), disposable cleaning cloths, or cotton dish towels into 6-by-8-inch pieces, one for each student. You will need markers and newspapers to protect the table surface in case markers bleed through the cloth.


    Do you sometimes wish you could be a king or a queen? Often children pretend to be a ruler with servants. What does a king do? What do servants do? (Let students answer.)

    What if you were the king, but instead of commanding your servant to bring breakfast to you, you said, “Sit down and rest, my servant. I will go cook a delicious breakfast and bring it to you”?

    What if the queen said, “I know you are dirty and tired from our long journey today, my servant. I will run a warm bath for you so that you can be clean and relax”?

    That is like what Jesus did. Although He is God, Jesus left heaven and came to earth to serve us. He was an example of how to serve others.


    When Jesus lived on earth, people usually walked from place to place. There were no bicycles or cars. The paths and roads were not paved as ours are. They were dusty. Because people wore sandals, their feet became dirty as they walked.

    When a person arrived at a house, a servant brought a basin of water and a towel. He washed and dried the traveler’s feet. This was a job for the very lowest house servant to do.

    The time for Jesus to die was drawing near. Judas was preparing to betray Jesus to those who hated Him. Jesus knew what was going to take place. He knew that He had come from His Father. He knew that soon He would leave this world and go back to Him.

    As the disciples were eating what we call the Last Supper, Jesus stood up. He took off His outer robe, wrapped a towel around Himself (display your towel), and poured some water into a basin.

    Then Jesus knelt down and humbly began to wash the feet of His disciples. He did the job of the lowest servant. Jesus lovingly washed the dirty feet of His own disciples and then dried them. (Imitate drying with your towel.)

    Jesus was the Lord and Master of these men. They should have washed His feet. Why did Jesus do the task of a lowly servant?

    “I have given you an example. You should do to others as I have done to you,” Jesus told His disciples. “If I, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet.”

    Jesus showed us that we should serve others. Often Christian people want others to serve them. This is not God’s plan. Jesus said we should be servants, not masters. He wants us to love and help one another.


    Jesus’ entire life was lived to serve others. He left heaven to become a lowly man. As Jesus preached and taught, He had no home of His own. Day after day He taught and healed and fed crowds of people. Finally, Jesus gave His own life to provide eternal life for everyone.

    Jesus was God; yet He washed the disciples’ feet. He did this to teach them and us to serve.

    Most of us want other people to serve us. We want to be great. We want to give the orders. But God wants us to serve. Jesus is our example of serving others. (Place towel beside previous lesson visuals for review.)

    Think of some ways that children can serve others. What can you do to serve at home? (Play with younger siblings’ empty wastebaskets; wipe up spills; keep room straightened up; set and clear the table.)

    How can you serve in church? (Pick up trash; straighten hymnbooks; open doors for the elderly; help clean up the room after class.)

    What ways can you serve in school? (Be friendly to someone who needs a friend; run errands for the teacher; help those who need help; share the gospel with classmates.)

  3. Here is a site that has some sunday school ideas.

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