
I need a sunglasses suggestion?

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My eyes are sensitive to light. Some times, I even have to throw on my sunglasses at night because the lights from other cars and buildings hurt my eyes. What I really want are sunglasses that completely cover my eyes, no light comming in from any side, top, bottom, sides, but arent dark to the point where it would greatly affect everything around me. The sunglasses im looking for are versitle inside and outside and that are also styleish.




  1. Try

    They are true wholesalers, I've bought from them for years now and never had a problem.

  2. Nike made tinted contacts for sports, and I think they still do. You can get them with or without a Rx. Then no matter where you look you're covered.

    P.S. They make your eyes look a little strang though, so it might look strange to people, but probably not any more than sunglasses inside and at night

  3. Nike used to make those contacts, but they are now discontinued. You may be able to get left-over stocks- I stockpiled it before they went away.

    However, you have SEVERAL options in terms of glasses!

    One stylish option, popular for those with dry eye (because it seals air, and by requirement, seals light) is called panoptx. These are really top-of-line glasses. You can buy them from - if you have a specific need, like light adjusting lenses (which will NOT react to nightime lights, mind you) you really should phone up the owner, who is quite helpful. The number is listed on the site.

    Another option, particularly useful because you can choose pretty much any style, is from a company called NoIR. NoIR sells custom glasses primarily aimed at the low vision community- they're also popular with sarcodosis patients experiencing photophobia (light sensitivity) You can find the full line-up of colours and darkness at - I strongly, strongly strongly suggest ordering whatever pair you buy with the '#35' frame, which looks like a stylish wrap around. These are very effective in sealing out light. The tints listed in % is the amount of visible light transmitted. A regular store-purchased pair of grey sunglasses might transmit about 30% of light- which is to say that it filters 70%- the lower the VLT percentage, the less light. You'll want a darker tint for daytime and a much lighter tint for nighttime- some people find yellow tints, especially, helpful for night-time.

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