
I need a system to help me succeed in school?

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I would like to be a pro fisherman/ bass master winner or as a fall back i would like to farm.

What courses and other things can help me get be came a pro fisherman

What will i have to do to become a farmer? the equipment cost alot and i am not to sure if there are any college courses. How much will i need to save and what crop will be good to grow in oklahoma

Now I am only in 8th grade but in a little while i will be out on my own please help thank you




  1. I applaud you for thinking ahead as to your future.  Keep in mind that as you grow and mature and continue your studies that there will be many opportunities that will come your way.  If you want to become a pro-fisherman, you will succeed.  It is no different than a professional baseball player or any other sport.  You must practice each and every day.  Read about the sport, learn what the masters do, read their books, go to seminars, and practice.  This same analogy could be for you to become a farmer, banker or an astronaut.  The key words are "focus" and "determination" and then your natural abilities will carry you accordingly.

  2. vegetable farming is a good option because it doesn't take long to mature. In that case browse garden on the net. Another issue in agriculture is experience. Knowledge doesn't replace experience. If you know some farmers already in your area, identify with them. Ask them some question and see if they can lend their equipments in time of need.

    That one place rejected your requst shpoud not discourage you. Try as many farmers as possible. It's better to identy with them on neutral ground. Just tell them that you are a student but you want to know how things are done in the farm. Share the much you know and the ones you'll like to know. The farmer in oklahoma knows the crops that thrive at different seasons of the year. Ask them and you shallllll................

  3. quit school and just do what you like. you are going to die someday, so why waste anytime being unhappy?

  4. Have you considered aquaculture (fish farming or hatchery) or aquaponics (fish farming with produce units in tandem)? You should have a BS or BA minimum and that will give you the edge up if you decide to remain a sport fisherman. I expect you'll lose the drive at sport fishing at least a bit when some little lady gets your undivided attention, as with all young Lads.

  5. i dont no bout becoming a pro fisherman, but i know that here in australia there are agriculture courses offered at almost every university and college, agriculture is also offered at every school over here which would be a good start for you.. I did it last year (yr 10) and gained a lot of knowledge from the course.


  6. interesting queston!

  7. In college consider majoring in Geography. Geograpahy is a very borad field of study that includes study of agriculture, soils, groundwater, land management, etc.

    Go to The University of Texas at Austin. They have a wonderful Geography Department.

  8. It is a good have a goal like wanting to be a pro fisherman. Work hard at that goal, but realize that like many sports, only a few at the very top of the sport make really good money. You should have a back up plan. I think your backup plan should be getting a good education. Work toward getting an education that majors in Marine Biology. This would be a help to you as you work toward becoming a Professional Bass fisherman as well as having you ready to work in as a professional in fisheries. This would give you a good profession and you could continue with your bass fishing as well. It might take years to become a top pro fisherman.

  9. School counselors supposed to guide you in your career choosings.

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