
I need a thesis statement for teen death..the three leading causes are accidents (cars), homicide and suicide?

by  |  earlier

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umm well i need to talk about teen death and i was thinking about using accidents homicide and suicide as my body paragraphs but im just havin trouble finding a thesis to work with..i would be using statistics abotu teen death and what not to explain the severity of teen death and how accidents homicide and suicide are caused by teens




  1. Mention how cars are essentially huge bombs and how many deaths could cease if a different vehicle were in the road.

    Then point out how Urban growth with all the vehicles which are essentially bombs for the reason they are powered by combustion engines which jolt the car foward with a small explosion cause death because of distance to travel deaths rise.

  2. i can hook you up if you tell me more about the paper....

    If your trying only tryin to stress that these are leading causes of teen death then maybe something along the lines of:

    Amoung the 1200 teens that die each year, automobile accidents, homicides and suicides, constitute over 75% of deaths, making  them the three leading causes of teen death.

    Let me know if this works, if not I'll try again.

    Sometimes you need to start writing the paper then the thesis seems obvious at the end.

  3. help-teen car accidents are the num1

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