
I need a thesis statement on abortion vs adoption.?

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Its an argumentive essay and i am going with adoption




  1. If you are looking for a topic that will cause heads to turn , and get people up in arms,  you've certainly found one.

    These things have little to do with each other, but people keep trying to sew them together. Like putting legs on a sweater, it never works well.

    Abortion and adoption rates do not reflect each other, and finding actual numbers for adoption statistics is difficult because of the sealed records laws.

    Really, the only things that the two have in common are a woman's right to choose, and the tremendous impact that her choice has on her life.  Every mother deserves to have the right to choose what is going to happen to her body, her soul, and her child, and she deserves unbiased, accurate counseling that presents ALL of her choices.

    While I believe that abortion is the worst possible choice of birth control, only a fool would condemn every woman with an unexpected pregnancy to a life of wondering what happened to her baby, or, for that matter, any child to a life of being resented for the changes it made in it's parents lives.

    But you wanted a thesis statement.  

    "While adoption and abortion rates are not closely linked, adoption is by far the better of the two choices."   then prove your statement.  Good luck!

  2. i am happy ur go watch the you tube clip on a abortion being preformed omg they actually crush the babies head~~~~~~~~~~BLESS YOU WE NEED MORE SMART PEOPLE LIKE YOU TO HELP EDUCATE THIS WORLD ON HUMAN BEINGS BEING KILLED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. You have some really good answers from the people who responded before me, and while I have my own opinions on the matter some of your arguments and explanatons kind of made sense.

    I can see the point that these two issues are not related.  So how about you make your thesis about the fact that they are not related?  Adoption is not a solution for the number of abortions performed in the US

    Sorry - it's late and these might not make sense - but I think that there are some good arguments presented to answer your question and with some creative thinking you can incorporate them into a good thesis for your essay.

    I hope you get an A on your essay.  Good luck.

  4. say some pregnate crack head lady who is homless with no money??...she s supposed to stay pregnate she will contine to do drugs and not eat right...who the heck is going to adopt a completely un healthy baby and do you think its fair to that child to have healthissues and be sentened to a life of doom..or even live a healthy life..

  5. I loved writing essays! you can go with all the negatives of abortion! not just  the whole murdering a life but also the affects it will have on a lady maybe not right then and there but down the road! You can explain that choosing adoption will not only lower that regret, your not killing anyone, and your helping a family out that can't conceive helping them with there dream of becoming parents! plus if the lady does feel regrets down the road she can stay in contact with the family whose adopted her child and go and see him/her. But if you get an abortion theres no chance in that!!

  6. If your doing a essay it is important to show both sides of the issue(s). If your at a abortion clique try not to get blown up.

    I'm just say'n

  7. Abortion is the choice not to go through with a pregnancy

    Adoption is the choice not to go through with parenting

    They are two very separate issues that the adoption industry tries to link together.  One has nothing whatsoever to do with the other

  8. You could argue that adoption provides extra tax payers which in turn boosts every ones security and quality of life.

    The first world does not produce enough children to sustain itself and some governments have resorted to reproduction incentives in order to keep up the numbers.

  9. I've said it before so I might as well say it again. Abortion and adoption are rarely answers to the same question.

    Women choose abortion because they do not want to bring a pregnancy to term.

    Women choose adoption because they either do not want to parent or they are coerced into believing it is the best thing for the child.

  10. I would suggest you find a new premise. It's a complete myth that most women who relinquish children for adoption seriously considered abortion. My mother--who was married when I was conceived--more seriously considered abortion than I did when I got pregnant as a single college student.

    Please, please, please don't buy into the myth that adoption saves babies from abortion. If adoption didn't exist, I wouldn't have aborted--I would have parented. And I'd have been a darn good mom, too--just as I am now, to my second daughter.

  11. I think that pushing women to choose adoption over abortion is a losing battle.  Some pro-life groups have finally figured out that helping expectant mothers to find a way to keep and parent their babies is much more effective to prevent abortion.

    I am sorry that I do not have a reference to offer.  It is just a trend that I see in some of the more enlightened pregnancy centers run by religious organizations.

  12. I agree with the others that abortion and adoption are answers to two totally different questions in most cases.  I think Heather said it best with what she wrote above.  

    That being said, the argument that I would try to make in your essay is that terminating a pregnancy gives no future to a child.  At least with an adoption, the child will have a life.  And the children are the future of tomorrow.  Who knows, the fetus that could be aborted could be the next great President or the next Nobel Peace Prize winner.  In my opinion, every child deserves a loving family.  

    Good luck with the essay.

  13. Adoption can and often does cause a life-long trauma to both the child and the mother.

    And while there are some women who regret having an abortion, there are far more women you regret abandoning their children to the greedy and corrupt adoption industry.

    And then there is the concern about over-population. There are about 7 billion people on this planet last I checked. The world needs more abortions, NOT adoptions. Adoption is a lose-lose social experiment that needs to be eradicated.


  15. Just look up how an abortion is performed and try to make a mental picture of the pain the baby goes through. Yet if the same women was shot going into an abortion clinic it would be 2 counts of murder. Whats up with that?

  16. A women that is pregnant can get an abortion without the guy saying any thing. Because when the baby is still inside her, she can get an abortion with out any people objecting to it. And adoption, both couples have to make a decision whether they want to do that or not.

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