
I need a tip for this situation...

by  |  earlier

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My main problem is stopping my opponent from getting to the rim while I'm under the rim.

You don't need to have muscles to get to the rim... You can run to the left of the court then run right diagonally until you get to the rim and post, which my usual opponent does every freaking time. He tries to get me under the rim so it is impossible to block.. I hate when he does that. He learned that it is a wrong move to bump me because I will move out of the way and make him fall on his butt so he spins everytime he makes contact with my stomach. He would keep doing that until he gets me into the same freaking situation [I'm under the rim]again. There is no 24 second violation so he would keep doing it.

I get irritated by this that I would do the same freaking thing, but I hate playing like that. It's cheap and boring.




  1. use your bodyweight and push him out the box. its not a foul if u dont extend your arms. dont be afraid to get beasty basketball is a contact sport

  2. Get low with your butt down and push against him when he's backing into you. Don't let him move you. If he starts pushing really really hard, jump back really quick and he'll fall. If  you can't do that, front him so he doesn't get the ball.

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