I have 5 kids and all but the 19 month old are out of control and I'm at my wit's end....I NEED HELP! If you've read a parenting book that actually makes sense and helps or have any discipline ideas that you have that actually help I'd appreciate all your ideas. Their ages are 13, 9, 7, 6, 1. My 13 year old is the worst about it. He disrespects, doesn't listen, doesn't clean...I could go on all day. I don't know what to do anymore because the others are starting to act like that too. I was outside cleaning the yard today and they all trashed the house very badly. They fight 100% of the time, they yell at me and each other, name calling, etc. I'd love to have Supernanny here but don't want to have to be on TV for it. I've just about given up being a mom.