
I need a vote. Who thinks Online Home Schooling is a good idea?

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I am writing a persuasive essay in school and need a strong fact to base my opinion on: I agree that it is a good idea, within reason.




  1. I think it's a bad idea for young kids, but a good idea for college..

    I was home-schooled for part of my childhood and really feel like I missed out on a lot of socail opportunities.

    Benefits of online home schooling might be:

    No interruptions/ Quicker learning time

    Good for people who are handicapped and can't go to school

    Good for people who live really far away

    Good for people who have kids and cannot afford daycare but need to go to school

  2. I think it is a good idea for adults

    I dropped out at the age of 16 and am now 36 years old trying to get my diploma.

    But with this being said it is not easy, I am doing ILC and when I have a question to something and go online to ask a teacher, each time the teacher has said I am sorry I have not read the book and can not answer. So I have completed one credit on my own, and am almost done another. I need 3 more credits to which I have decided to attend a adult school for because having a teacher or others to ask when not understanding something will make things much less frustrating.

  3. I don't. Too much third-party control. Real homeschooling is better in my opinion. No need for online school.

  4. I believe on line schooling at home, not to be confused with true "home schooling" is merely being a public school student who does the work at home but has to follow all the requirements, and schedules set by the schools.

    There are home school programs that are done through on line Academy's, or private Christian schools, but they often use video classes, and or a pre-selected curriculum that is send to the students for them to complete at their own pace; some do have time limits, and dead lines to meet.

    Home schooling is where the parents, with their children decide on what books, and materials they would like to use, set the time, place, and choose the method of instruction that fits their children's needs best.

    Home schooling is an alternative to any form of conventional schooling, and completely directed by the parents without any school districts guidance, or interference.

    Are on line classes taken by high school students who choose them, or at a college level when distant learning could be an option in area's of limited availability a viable option; yes it is.

    Is doing public school at home something we would even consider, no.

  5. I took online classes for college credit. It was great for some classes and very convenient for a working mom.

       For primary and secondary education, I doubt I'd choose this method of education for my family, personally. I don't think it would complement my child's style of learning. But for someone else, it might work well. We like alot of responsibility and freedom.

  6. umm...  i think it is better for young children to go to a "normal" school

  7. If you are in an online school, you could use interviews from students actually doing the online school.

    If you do not know anyone that takes courses online, I may be able to let you sit in on one of our live, online classes. We are a homeschool course co-op, not a virtual school. After the class, you can ask the students what they like and don't like about an online learning environment. There are pros and cons to every learning environment. Even among online course sources you will find a wide variation in styles, tools, and methods that make the student experience hard to typify. Let me know if you are interested and I will check with students and parents to be sure they feel OK with the idea. Use my Yahoo profile to e-mail me.

  8. I prefer real homeschooling to either public or online (which is just public school at home) because with real homeschooling you can customize your pace and curriculum to the individual child.

  9. You need some support for why it's a good idea?

    Well... Why do you think it's a good idea? Where could you find your facts? I'm not sure it'd be easy to find statistics or anything. Maybe you should rephrase the question so that those who did online schooling can share how it went and why they felt it was good. Having the general population give their opinions isn't really going to provide you with facts to support your opinion. Even having a "vote" in a forum such as this one support your opinion. That everybody or nobody thinks it's a good idea doesn't have anything to do with persuading others that it actually is a good idea.

    ADDED: I think homeschooling online can be a  good idea for those who are motivated and want to do their schooling that way. Online schooling provides the same content as in school (sometimes better), but the student can do it according to his schedule, can have lots of free time to work, play sports, hang out with others, have fun, and be free of the constant competition/comparison going on in schools.

    Here's something that could be the closest thing you'll come to a fact: since a number of the online schools are actually public schools and therefore are being held accountable, if the results of doing online schooling were worse than public schools, the funding would probably be pulled.

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