
I need a warhammer army list for daemons of chaos for a game agaist dwarfs?

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i need a army list for a battle agaist dwarfs could u also give me tips to kill them




  1. I play Dwarves, so I can give you some pointers on what to use against them and how to kill them. Obviously, Dwarves are slow, but well armoured and have good ranged attack and magical defense. Chaos is well rounded, apart from ranged attacks, but has good magic and combat skills.

    Since you're a Chaos army, the dwarves will probably take a rune priest to counteract your strong magic, leaving you with one less fighting character to deal with, but with less chance to get any spells off. Magic is the Chaos army's greatest ally, so maybe try and take a level 3 or 4 mage and possibly another level 1 to ensure you can get spells off. A couple of Chaos spells work well against Dwarves, especially that one where it compells an enemy unit to move to a specific point. More on the uses of this spell later. Try and aim for the siege engines and missle troops earlier on, since they will cause you some trouble, where you can easily deal with the ground troops in H2H.

    Your Dwarf opponent will obviously take lots of missle troops to whittle your numbers down before you reach them. Thunderers, crossbowmen, cannons, etc etc - they all hurt armoured units. That spell I was talking about before, the one which compells enemy units, is particularly useful against thunderers and crossbowmen. Thunderers can only move OR shoot, so if you compell them, they can't shot at you. Try saving that spell for last and you should buy yourself back a unit or two. Use cover and don't put units behind others in case the cannon round goes through both - the exception to this is putting cheap units, like hounds, out first as fodder to take the brunt of all the fire.

    The way you will win the game is by strategy - outflanking your enemy. Dwarves are very slow, so take fast units like chariots, daemonettes on chaos steeds and marauders. Even minotaurs are brilliant. If you can engage two sides of a dwarven unit then even the hardest stunty will crack. This should be even easier if your opponent uses the old "gaurd the hill" set up, whereby the army all sets up in one corner, missile troops on the hill. It's easy to flank and if one unit overruns one dwarf unit, then it's all over red rover. Don't hang back because the Dwarves aren't going to come to you - it'll only end up with casualties on your end.

    So it you've got a level 4 mage as your leader, then take a couple of hardhitting combat heroes, with lots of strength modifiers to nulify the dwarven armour. Don't put your heroes in chariots verse dwarves, because if one of their many cannon shots hit it, poof, it's destroyed. Try not to take great weapons if you can help it because Dwarves almost always strike last due to low initiative, so you don't want to miss out on striking first. Maybe a flail or magical weapon.

    Other than that, try and negate the dwarve's line of sight, out flank them, move fast and make them fail their break tests (possibly with lots of banners etc). Hope this helps!

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