
I need a way out of the army its driving me crazy, can anyone help me plz???

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ok i don't think i'm meant for the army, i cant stand not being my self any more i need my freedoms back. i'm thinking of going the crazy rout and be for i do i would like some advice about it. maybe some one knows a little bit about it and can help fill me in on it. i would Reilly appreciate it thanks.




  1. Make a tape of you putting a d***o in your a**s and enjoying it. Publish it on the internet and hope that maybe an officer or Sergeant find it and they kick you out. Otherwise, you just wasted the Army's money and time. You are a disgrace.  

  2. I am with most that recommend that you stay in and do your time.  Its really not that bad, if you just put your nose to the grindstone, follow orders, and keep your "nose clean".  I look back on my Military experience now and it was the MOST IMPORTANT experience I have had yet.  I am now 32 yrs old spent six years in, and the Military taught me more about being a good U.S. Citizen, Father, Husband, Employee, than anything could have or would have.  So I am with the majority here, stay in and do your time, honor your contract.  But before you go doing anything stupid (ie. Suicide, a couple tried while I was in) just tell them you are g*y.  The dont ask dont tell policy is just that, If you tell your superiors that you are g*y, you will almost immediately recieve a "other than honorable" discharge, it may now be Honorable.  There was a guy in the Service with me that did this very thing, he went into the Section Chiefs office, and we never saw him again.  And he was not g*y!   But really man use this as a last resort, try sticking it out, you will find that you will be a better person when you get out than you were when you entered.......GUARANTEED!

  3. Do your time like all of us have done before you, you will be proud of yourself and look at the benefits you get.

  4. finish you enlistment, then hopefully join another branch, do not quit, they used to tell us in the BUD/S "if you quit now you'll always quit in life" they tell that to marines also, if you dropout, you'll have a dishonorable discharge to your name, every job you go to they will look at that tell you "no" is getting out of the army really ment all that trouble.  

  5. man up, stop being a wussy! do what you are suppose to do and drive on!

    duty in Iraq will help you!

  6. Try and relax. There a lot of mental health and other professional that work amongst you. See aid if necessary. But look into other and other things to relax. Trust me alcohol doesn't help.

  7. Dress up like the opposite s*x like corporal clinger in MASH.

  8. Please dont cut your finger really will be court martialled and dishonorably discharged, and that will follow you the rest of your life, with your missing finger.  How long have you been in?  Whats your MOS, where are you stationed?  The thing about the military is you cant quit even on your worse day, but there are things you can do to make your time more tolerable.  Have you discussed anything with your first sergeant, follow your chain of command and discuss your concerns, another thing is a Section 8 discharge will also follow you, you can be judged mentally defective and can have problems and red marks that will follow you and you dont want that.  I served in the Army as well and there were times that I wanted to pack it up and leave, but talking to your superiors really will help, stop, think and dont do anything rash that you will end up regretting.

  9. tell them your g*y and only in the army for the men in uniform!. dont tell any body its not true and keep winking at your superiors that should do the trick!.

  10. It's not easy to leave the army as it was joining it. That's how the process is designed. Please don't do anything that would discharge you dishonorably because it will stay in your record for the rest of your life. My recommendation is to finish your time and leave. You never know how things will change in the future, you might have a way out from nowhere.

    Good Luck!

  11. Stick it out.  You'll be glad you did.  It's a big change to go from civilian life to military life.  I know.  I felt the same as you when I went in many years ago.  I stayed in and I'm glad I did.   First of all you can get an education while you are in if you choose.  Also, you can use the GI bill to get an education when you get out.  Plus the benefits are many when you get out too.

    For many jobs you get a veteran's preferrence.  Another good point is that they really do make a man out of you.  I thought I was a man when I went in, but then I saw the difference when I got out.

    In closing, I can't say it enough.  Please stay in.  You'll be glad you did!!

  12. you could die

    but i recommend to stop being a wuss

  13. Cut off the tip of each index finger.  You'll get tried by court-martial, but you'll be unfit for duty, and out.

  14. You could try shooting yourself in the foot.  But, seriously, you're obviously an adult, you made a decision to join the army, suck it up and live up to your responsibilities.

  15. Try always wearing a dress and ear rings.... I knew this one guy this one time....

    But for real, yeah there is just no way to just “get out” with negative repercussions.

    Do the whole crazy thing and get a court martial or dishonorable discharge and its going to follow you for life.

    I have no respect for you but the best thing I can say is go get a full physical. Maybe you can find so bs underlying medical problem that will get you out.

  16. Go to your Chaplain and say you are g*y. It worked for a guy in my squad at Basic.

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