
I need a way to make friends!?

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I was in public school. Now I am home schooled. I have to say home school is way better! I also have a friend who has been home schooled all her life and we are best friends. But I started going to a new church Is there any advise to make new friends Thanks so much!




  1. be yourself and be confident.  Step out of your comfort zone and try to talk to people.  Try taking a dance class or something that will get you around other girls your age.

  2. Haha, friends and homeschooling.

    Ha! Good luck!

  3. If you have a youth ministry or something similar to that at your church, you should definitely join that. Also try joining sports teams. If you have any neighbors with kids close to your age, introduce yourself to them and ask them if they want to hang out. Most importantly, be yourself!

    Good luck! :)

  4. What really works for me is being yourself! In the first few days of school lay low and people that should be your friends will come to you like a magnet.

  5. I am home schooled too! I have been home schooled all my life! The way that keeps me connected to other people and friends is my church and I go to a co-op once a week witch is really fun I have a best friend and a lot of other good friends! Just talk to people and stuff! Also if you have a youth group in your church and you are the right age I would also do that if I were you thats what I do! Also I do a dance class that keeps me connected! I have the same problem!

  6. I think you should just sorta mingle with the crowd. Be friendly to them and see what happens. I've been going to my same church for my whole life. I've seen the new ones come and made friends with a bunch because they've come up to me and said hi. It's as simple as that. Good Luck!

  7. Just be as social as you can, get friends from your best friend, get a job anything. I have the same problem because I go to Cyber school (home school) and I have not alot of friends. Once you have a BF or if you already do, I get alot of friends through him ;)

  8. maybe join a group like dance or piano or something so u can meet ppl ur age. or try through church. good luck!

  9. Youth groups, city sports leagues.  Be yourself.

  10. If you are funny i would say you can be friends with ANYONE.  If you are sad and you have a friend that is understanding AND funny then you're happy again!!!


    (those are good people traits)

  11. Yes.

    Be respectful

    Be nice

    Use your manners

    Be polite

    Talk to them But dont talk to them straight way they will think your weird.

    Share stuff

  12. Just go up to them and say 'Hi!, i am new to this church...' and start up a conversation.

  13. Just be nice, outgoing, and yourself. :)

  14. Just make sure you go out of our house, and go to a social event or something, or even to the shop and you could make a friend there.

  15. Don't give up. You can do it!

    Start volunteering either at your church or in the community. Find out where other teens are volunteering and start there.

    My son met so many other teens by helping out at church with the 5/6th grader and by being a camp counselor. And they were all really nice kids because those are the kids that like that sort of thing.

    Warm Regards,


  16. I had that trouble, too, when I moved here 3 years ago. I basically had 2 youth groups, though. You have a new church, so make friends there. local church homeschool coverings are also helpful. Getting a job is REALLY helpful (I recommend Chick-fil-a!!!) & if you're too young for that you can always go volunteer at your local library.

    If it's still hard email me! I just graduated homeschooling and know how hard it can be at times. But looking back on it, I wouldn't change it for the world.

  17. Join a club or do a sport.

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