
I need a way to make money?

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I am 14 years old and not legally allowed to work! I live in California and just recently broke my phone. I need a way to save up 200 dollars by the end of august so I can have a phone for my first day of my freshman year of high school. If anybody has and idea it would be greatly appreciated! Thanks (:




  1. You might not be able to earn that much in time for school, but you could try to get your parents to pay for it and then pay them back or work it off.

    You could babysit, do chores for neighbors, mow lawns, walk dogs, wash cars.. pet sit, easy things like that.


    I am 15 and I earn money online. If you'd like to try that. It's free and you never have to pay. It's really easy too. All you have to do is take surveys and stuff. I love it. I made my own website that lists all the great sites I use and have actually been paid by, so if you'd like to check it out, my site is..

    It's really safe too.[:

  2. Get your parents permission to do extra chores at home and talk with the neighbors in your area and tell them your intentions and ask if they know of ways you can make extra cash and I'm sure they'll be able to give you the advice you need to pay for your broken phone.  Have fun while summer is still around.

  3. You are using the work doesn't apply to this situation.  The word you should be using is WANT...don't get them confused...they have different meanings.  

    To earn the are going to have to do work...plain and if that can't be at someone's business then it has to be another way.....if you can't be creative enough to figure out what is a good job for a 14 year old to do to earn money on their own then you probably won't  earn the money.

    OK...I'll help you out anyway.


    Paper Route

    Dog walking

    Lawn Mowing

    Errand Running

    Asking your parents if there are jobs you can do at home to earn money ....  things that are not your usual chores.

  4. Do survey sites or PTC sites online,  these work for me.  Just make sure you sign up for only the legit ones.

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