
I need a website that gives me job specifications for all occupations e.g. manager, secretary, accountant etc?

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I need a website that gives me job specifications for all occupations e.g. manager, secretary, accountant etc?




  1. There probably won't be such a site since those descripions would vary from company to company.  A secretary at one firm may have entirely different duties at another.  A secretry at one location may be called a receptionist at another.

    The "manager" title is even more vague.  A manager may be thought to supervise people.  Or, the manager may only manage certain accounts or a set of files.

    Accountants, on the othe hand, usually have clearly defined duties as described in that job's "best practices" standards, much like a registered nurse, or an attorny's.

    I'd begin with standard dictionary descriptions, then narrow those down within various industries, or geographical locations.  Finally, pin the description down to the particular company in which you are interested.

  2. No such site exists.  If you want to know what different jobs do then visit your local high school counselor.

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