
I need a willing - fairly good- chess coach that will pass on what they know to me?

by  |  earlier

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As many of you hqave - probably- noticed summer has started. Which for me means no chess club, no learning new moves, or challangers, but most important of all NO CHESS COACH!! I hope to become a master some day and I can't get there without the guidance. I need a willing chess coach over the summer until I move on to my new high school and get invovled in their chess club. I really need help, I don't want the summer to prevent me from learning.




  1. Check out the U.S. Chess Federation web site for clubs in your area. That would be a good place to start.

    Consider attending a Chess Camp. The second link below has a list of them. If you do an internet search for "chess camp" you'll find many more.

    Go to the library. Check out a couple chess books and play over all the games and positions in them. You'll improve rapidly.

  2. Try here:

    Some Coaches charge $10 an hour and other ones charge

    $55 an hour.

  3. I am chess coach k-12 35 years.Write me at,if that does not work write me at

    Your first lesson is google "matrixchess" and "bernard parham" then e-mail me for more chess lessons.

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