
I need a workout for volleyball... season starts in august?

by  |  earlier

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i just want some stuff to help me get into shape for the jv season. plzz help??




  1. Work those abs helps on those hard spikes.. cardio is crucial.. work em legs cuz ull be making quick moves all game long and it gets to you if theyre not in shape .. good luck!

  2. work your cardio and your legs...

  3. here is a great workout. i got it from my coach. it is very detailed but it helps a lot. hope it might work for you.

    Cardio Training (3 days a week for a minimum of 30 minutes). Mix up your routine to minimize boredom. Choose from the treadmill and/or running outdoors, elliptical, bike, stair climber, or swimming. Build your endurance each week by adding intervals (steady pace to a 2 minute sprint back to steady pace) or doing multiple machines. If you are running on a track, sprint the straight aways and jog the curves.

    Jump Training (1 to 2 days a week, aim for 15 minutes)

    The jump rope is your best friend 

    Jump side to side over obstacles. Each week, try and make the obstacle taller. Challenge yourself.

    Star jumps, squat to jump, jump ups on to a stair or box, block jumps, etc.

    Core and strength training (minimum 2 days a week)

    Pushups are a great way to build upper body and core strength. Try traditional pushups, incline pushups (feet on floor, hands on a bench), pushups on a stability ball. Track your progress.

    Situps: Focus on drawing in your core. Don’t just go through the motions but focus on form. Try full situps, full situps with medicine ball and overhead press, side twists with medicine ball, isolated prone abs on the floor or stability ball  

    Lunges: front, side, back (3 sets of 10 on each leg)

    Squats: with or without hand weights (3 sets of 15 at a slow pace)

    Bicep/Tricep: Bicep curls (3 sets of 15), Tricep extensions (3 sets of 15)

    Shoulder raises: side lateral raise (2 sets of 12), overhead press (2 sets of 12)

  4. In the beginning of my volleyball season, my coach takes a half hour time to get us in shape.  She calls it conditioning.  We started off doing a minute of pushups, and five minutes of differnt styles of jump ropping.  We also did a different type of crunches, to work your lower muscles. One person would lay underneath another who was standing up.  The person on the ground would lift thier legs and the person over them would try to push thir legs down.

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