
I need adivce about psyhic children?

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I am a mom of 3, and a psyhic medium. My eldest daughter (who just turned 5) is showing signs of having psyhic abilities. How can I help her develope her gift? I didn't have that kind of support when I was younger, so I am unsure of what to do.




  1. Poor child.

    Send her to a school that is competent in teaching science so that she does not suffer from the delusion that she can achieve the impossible.

  2. First of all if you were "really" psyhic...why don't you consult yourself and find out?  Please don't do that to you child...she's a kid, what are you thinking?

  3. It won't be easy, I can tell you that from experience. Most of what I know I had to learn by myself, through trial and error. I wish you the best of luck.

    However, teach her that her gift can become a burden, and she has to know when to use it and when not to, or even if it's something she can control. Search your heart, and decide how much to tell her as she grows into her gift, and how much you'd be comfortable telling her. She's just 5, so it might be hard to explain. Her gift is natural, and things will be difficult down the road for her and for you.

    All in all, just be there for her, offering what advice you can, but most of all, just be there. Moral support will be vital, and she HAS to know that you'll be there no matter what.

    Good luck, and I'd try that book one of the others mentioned. It can't hurt. Also, you might want to do research on Indigo Children. There's a lot of info out there, and I'll tell you now, most of it is BS, but there's some solid advice. Just be patient, and again, good luck to all of you.

  4. Step 1: learn how to spell "psychic"

    Step 2: stop watching "Medium"

    Step 3: don't infect your kids with your obsessions: let them find out things for themselves.

  5. First you must show to this forum that your psychic abilities are true beyond doubt, only then can we reveal the secrets of the ancient wise ones who have gone before.

  6. what kind of signs?

  7. I'm sure you will report me, but seriously, you need medical advice.  Please do not inflict on your children your self-delusion.

    Yahoo, I plead guilty to providing an honest answer which the questioner will not like.


  8. Practice with cards or anything else that you would do to practice your abilities.

    Also teacher her to eliminate egos right now so she truely could be one of the best.

  9. go to boarders and get the book Psychic children by Sylvia Browne

    -god bless

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