
I need advice, following miscarrige please be understanding?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, i found i was pregnant earlier this year, only been with me partner for 6 months so we were very surprised.. ok i was devastated. however i came round to the idea and we were really excited, and then i miscarried at 9 weeks. it broke me to pieces and all i can think about is having another baby. on saturday night, condom broke and i got the morning after pill, but i havent taken it yet... should i? all the reasoons for not having a baby are still there, financial worries, carreer goals etc, but it feels like it doesnt matter now. should i leave it up to fate? please please help!




  1. there's always gonna be work trouble & money troubles but you get over them . let nature take it's course . one day you'll make a great mommy to a very lucky baby .

    take care xxxx

  2. First I am so sorry about your loss.  Now is not the time to get pregnant, I know a part of you is set to be maternal but you are not ready from all that you said.  

    I have been there.  I am the mother of 3 from 9 pregnancies.  All of the financial stress career goals etc. will not be clear before you have a baby but you need to be more settled.  I do not know what your relationship with the father is like but remember that even if the two of you split up you are bound together for decades if you share a child.

    A baby is not something to rush into.

  3. let fate take its course, everything happens for a reason but dont ignore ur heart.u kno whats best for u. im pretty sure if u r prego u will make the best of it. nothing in life comes easy, its what u make it. so best of luck in what ur decision is.......

  4. Have you talked to your boyfriend about your feelings? Ask him what he thinks and make the decision together.

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