
I need advice , someone help ?

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okay well , im just going into grade 7 .

new school and everything .

im not braging but i was really cool last year ,

but i cant help but be nervous for this year ,

is there any advice anyone can give me ?

just to help me through school and everything .




  1. just dont be a b*****d.

    this girl who moved last year

    came in and nobody really accepted her, and when i finally talked to her she was like YEAH NOBODY EVER REALLY HATED ME BEFORE, i dont see why, i mean im pretty cute, i dress nicely, blah blah blah,

    and that just made her seem concieted.

    but dont worry, be yourself on the first day, and dont try to act all cool and impress people, because i fyou do, youll end up getting fake friends who will ditch you.

    just give it some time and youll find our right social group who will accept you, dont be nervous with whether or not youll be cool or not, concentrate on having a good time with real friends.

  2. if you're cool last year,maybe you can be cool too this year....

    u can do it!!  

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