
I need advice! Please help?

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I am 1cm dilated. My cervix is very thin. She could feel the babys head when she checked me. My cervix is up in front. The baby is low. I do have contractions but they are no where near timeable. I know s*x and walking helps. But do you have any more advice for me to get this labor going? Anything I can do or take? Thank you in advance.




  1. I was in labor for 3 weeks. I had 3 doctors appt in labor. I eventually started walking around the mall, and drinking hot tea. And shortly after my son was born. Good luck

  2. there  are lots of things that are meant to help but the only accurate ones are walking(gravity)s*x(hormone)

    your well on your way so dont panic it will come when it wants to .

    get some rest while you can is my adivce and good luck it wont be long x

  3. Raspberry leaf tea, spicy food or reflexology on your feet can all induce labour

  4. i think you can eat papaya and some oils with herbs and certain messages on yout feet and ankles can trigger contractions.

  5. Natural Ways to Induce Labor

    As you reach the end of your pregnancy, you may begin looking for natural ways to induce labor. Please keep in mind that you should not use any of these methods until you are past your due date. No method is guarranteed to work. Even drugs like pitocin do not always work at inducing labor. If your baby and body is not ready, labor will not begin. Please consult your health care provider before trying any of these methods.

    Here are some of the most common methods women try to induce labor naturally

    Sexual intercourse - This works in two ways to induce labor. First, female o****m can bring on contractions. Second, s***n contains prostaglandins. Prostaglandins work to help ripe and soften the cervix.

    Nipple stimulation - Stimulating the nipples triggers the production of natural oxytocin. Oxytocin contracts the uterus.

    Accupressure - Accupressure may be helpful in inducing labor. Some pressure points you can try are the roof of your mouth, the webbing of your fingers between your pointer finger and thumb, and above the ankle about four fingerspaces above is a pressure point.

    Stripping the membranes - This can only be done by a health care provider. Your doctor or midwife will seperate the bag of waters from your cervix and this is thought to help encourage labor to start.

    Raspberry Leaf Tea - Rasberry leaf tea is not actually known for it's labor inducing properties, but it is believed to be helpful in toning the uterus and helping with labor.

    Cinnamin stick tea - Take cinnamin sticks and boil them into a tea and drink. It actually tastes good so even if it doesn't bring on labor it may help you to relax.

    Evening primrose oil - Evening primrose oil comes in small capsules similar to vitamin E. It is believed to help soften and ripen the cervix.

    Walking - Walking may help to get baby to drop into proper position.

    Visualization/relaxation - Relaxation can help with labor induction. Try doing relaxation exercisers. They are also good practice for when labor actually begins.

    Pineapple, cumin tea, eggplant parmesan, and spicy foods - are another thing you can try.

    Other methods not recommended for inducing labor

    Castor oil - Castor oil is also used for inducing labor. It tastes horrible! It is likely to make you feel sick and it probably won't work.

    Herbs - There are other herbs you can use to induce labor. Without consulting your doctor or midwife I do not recommend the use of herbs.

  6. You could always use castor oil, the only thing is it tastes yukky! I would say if you are going to use this put it in a milkshake or something where u wont taste it. good luck!

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