
I need advice about work?!?!?

by  |  earlier

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i got REHIRED at my old job.. and the conditions were that if i stayed from 7:30 to 6.. i could bring my 3 yr old son with me on the 2 days a week that i work..(my hours before were 7 to 4, and they wouldn't allow me to bring my son)

i get 15 an hour being a nanny for 3 kids (3 yr old twins, and a 18 month old.).. and sometimes 4 kids if the 5 yr old is home for some reason.. with NO EXTRA PAY to watch the 4th one... they DONT pay me for the half hour.. both days i work.

Recently.. when i started working.. they took off 30 bucks from my pay and just wrote me a check.. (and they said "we could either pay u a higher amount, and u wouldnt be able to bring ur son, or we pay u a lower amount and u would") BUT they let me work for the 2 days and then handed me a check and didnt tell me about it until THEN!! they never said anything when i GOT rehired. they are never upfront and i DONT want to quit. i just want this resolved




  1. It sounds like you are being taken advantage of, People that don't keep their word cannot be trusted. The only way you can get what was agreed upon is if you had it in writing, otherwise the couple who hired you can take advantage of you as they see fit. And even if there was some way to hold them accountable all that would do is bring heat down on you from them. You are in a real pickle, and the only positive answer is to quit. If you stick around it will only get worse. I was taken advantage of by a con man once, and it was similar circumstances as you have described. Either direction you take will require a sacrifice of some type. Stay for the children, and get had by your employers, or leave and miss the kids. I know you do not want to quit, but all the decent advice you are going to get will sound similar to this. I hope this turns out better for you, and I hope your employers will do what they agreed to do, but it does not sound likely.

  2. Maybe they're docking you for food and lack of "watching" their kids as oppose to yours..

    sounds fair.

    you're their nanny, there for their children. when being paid for child care, the paying party deserves 100% care... just the way it goes.

    quit or deal with it.

  3. Sound like they are using you. Don't be a pushover. You are watching THEIR kids, and they should respect that job enough to be up front with you...especially if it is something as important as PAY! Just ask them what is going on, and that you would like to have the same amount of pay every week that you work, provided you stay the time you are supposed to. What is the problem with you bringing your son, that is ludicrous! You watching your own son should not affect their paying you. Stand up girl!!!

  4. they feel like that can control you for letting you bring your child to work - sit down and talk with them- get it in writing about pay and hours and do not give in on your being able to bring you son to work-

    THEY NEED YOU MORE THAN YOU NEED THEM. - Remember you are in control- THEY NEED YOU.

    they are not doing you any favors by cutting your pay-

  5. well these people sound really fishy. why did you stop working for them to begin with? on one hand, your lucky you have a job that allows you to bring your son, but on the other hand, they shouldnt be docking your pay if they said it was alright for you to bring your son... my suggestion is to ask to meet with them, and then sit down and state your concern, just make sure they are aware of how you are feeling *about the five year old and dock of pay* and ask them if they could let you know what is going on... and also make sure that they know that even though your son is there, their children still get the same amount of attention and treatment... good luck :)

  6. First of all, you should always get these kinds of details in writing- otherwise, you will get taken advantage of. Second, $15 an hour for 3 kids is cheap, I pay my nanny $15 an hour for 1 kid.

    If I were you, I would write a short letter to the Mom that hired you, and say

    " Dear (so and so), I am happy to be back watching (name the kids), however, I have some concerns about our new arrangement that I wanted to discuss with you in hopes that we can come to a mutual understanding. Our agreement when I accepted the position this time around was x, and now based on last weeks pay, you docked me x dollars b/c I brought my son. My concern is that you did not inform me *prior* to starting work again, that bringing my son would result in a lower amount than we had agreed to.

    Since my employment with you is a mutual committment from both of us, my expectation is that you will inform me of anything that will end of docking my pay. If one of those things is bringing my son, I would appreciate it if you would be upfront with me about this before I actually start working. I'd like the opportunity to be able agree or not agree to any terms that you feel are relevant and that will affect my pay, which is a basic right to anyone employed by any employer.

    If you feel a lesser amount is justified if I bring my son, then I feel it's relevant to request more money for any additioanl kids I am watching over and beyond the 3 we have agreed to for $15 dollars an hour. I also expect to be compensated for the full time I am at your home. If this is a half hour or more past the time we discussed, my expectation is that I will receive an additional $7.50 for this time.

    Please call me if you would like to discuss our terms again prior to my return work. I would like to put our agreement in writing so we are both on the same page.


    PS: If she doesn't comply to this, you need to find a better employer, try

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