
I need advice for a second interview I have coming up for a third grade teaching position.?

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I have a second interview for a teaching position and need some advice. What are some good questions to ask at the end? Can I expect alot of special education questions? How should I answer them?





  1. I would recommend bringing some sort of educational portfolio and showcasing what you have accomplished and what you have achieved in the classroom. This worked VERY well for me. Also, talk about how you utilize technology in the classroom. Technology is a big buzz word!

  2. Four things to brush up on as they are current "buzz" topics in education:

    1. No Child Left Behind - what would it mean for you as a teacher? for your students? for your students' parents? how would it effect your teaching?

    2. Students with special needs (both learning disabilities and gifted) - how will you incorporate the IEP goals into your classroom instruction? how will you address students with needs in your daily lesson plans and practice activities?

    3. Cooperative learning - what cooperative techniques do you frequently incorporate into your teaching methods? do you feel they enhance teaching and learning and why?

    4. Technology - what technology are you familiar with and have you used in instruction previously? what part do you see technology taking in your classroom? how would you best use it to enhance learning opportunities?

    It might also be a good idea to have a portfolio to share with the interviewer (principal? district HR person? teachers?). It would be even more impressive if it was in a digital format and showcased some of the technology you have utilized. Good luck!

  3. I agree with the technology!! In my area, technology is gold! I also took a portfolio with my resume (picture in corner), sample lesson plans, sample tests, sample cooperative learning activities, teaching philosophy, etc. While some principals will not look at this as much, there are some that really want to see what you are all about. Having this type of information available is a major plus.  

    You also have to deal with inclusion issues - are you willing to work with special ed? What type of extra-curricular activities are you willing to sponsor?

    Dealing with special education is an issue - you always answer the question by making it clear that you are willing to work with all students. Also, you are willing to work with the special education personnel to find the best way to teach the students that need extra help.

    Be comfortable to ask the interviewer their views on teaching. What kind of support do they have for new teachers, etc. But don't be too inquisitive - show you care but are not annoying and dependent on them. Hope this helps! Interviewing is tough.  Good luck!!!

  4. They/you may ask about


    willingness to commit to committee work

    after school activities

    parental involvement

    philosophy on classroom discipline

    how to deal with unruly students

  5. I majored in early childhood ed and early SPED so I brought examples of behavior management plans I'd created in student teaching.  I also asked them about professional development opportunities, technology, I asked them about SPED in the regular classroom- full inclusion or resource room only... good luck

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