
I need advice for my daughter!

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My daughter is in 7th grade and she wears a padded bra but her b***s don't fill the cup yet.

She just find out she has to go swimming in 3 weeks!

I talked to the P.E. teacher and she said to just wear a shirt and if anyone teases her they won't do it again!

Now she is embarrassed and says that they will notice and tease her still!

I told her to wear a bra under it but she is still worried t won't work.

Was it wrong for me to tell the teacher?

What should she do?

Will my idea work?

Also What happens if she wears her bra to bed does it prevent them from growing!?




  1. im 16 so im hoping i can help. wearing a bra to bed doesnt prevent them from growing. ive worn mine to bed for as long as ive had b***s, simply because i think its more comfortable. some people say sleeping with it on will cause cancer, but thats b.s.

    kids-specifically us girls- are pretty cruel sometimes. im pretty sure you can get bra-style bikini tops, with padding. it wasn't wrong to tellt he teacher.  depending on the type of bathing suit she wears, kids would probably notice if she was wearing a bra underneath

  2. padded bathing suit or if there is like a required one for gym then sew some pads in

  3. Ok there is also padded bathing suit mostly tankie it's like bikini but it covers belly she could wear the shirt over the bathing suit!?

  4. Wearing a bra to bed wont prevent them from growing. It wasn't wrong for you to tell the teacher. There is really no good way to improve bust size in a swim suit. She could try Silicon Bra Pads but they may move or worse fall out during P.E. Your daughter is going through a normal stage in her life, everyone develops at a different speed. The best thing for you to do would be encourage her to embrace her b*****s no matter what the size is, if she embraces her womanhood early she will have more self esteem later in life. Of-course it will be difficult with others teasing her, but in the end it will only make her stronger. Junior High is a tough time for all kids especially girls, hopefully the teasing will stop, as her development furthers.

  5. okay why are her bras too big. and you shouldnt have told the teacher its not that big of a deal  

  6. Personally, if I were her mother I would tell her that she is looking too far into it, and nobody will even notice that her b*****s are smaller in a bathing suit than in clothes. Besides, she is in seventh grade, she isn't supposed to be developed. I feel like mothers like you enable your children to try to look 18 when they are still kids. I would put money on it that you let her wear makeup and short skirts. Trust me, I wasn't a perfect kid, but I did it on my own. If I had my mom helping me too, it would have been bad news. But, if you are that worried about it, just buy her a padded swimsuit. The other kids will notice if she wears a bra under her swim suit and then she will really get made fun of.

  7. Just me, I always wore a bra and I went from an a to a d overnight and nothing could stop them. They have these fake silicone breast that stick to your natural breast and I would recommend that and some body glue, were a bra that you can't see and no one will ever notice, I am so sorry she is having this problem, people are mean.  

  8. I'm confused>  So you have encouraged her to wear the empty bra and now that she has to fullfill a PE requirement, you want her to wear it in the swimming pool? Number one, don't allow her to age helself prematurely.  How and why can't you encourage her to just be who she is at her age.  Telling the teach, was totally lame! Tell her to put on her flat chested one piece and go jump in the pool with the rest of the 12 year olds and stop worrying about her b***s that haven't started to grow yet.

  9. That seriously SUCKS! Good Luck!  

  10. Get her a water bra, they are more natural looking.

    also get her a suit with the padding in it. I think that Newport news still carries really cute suits at a good price. They can ship pretty fast if you want,

    Kids can be so mean to each other and i commend you for helping her feel more comfortable. Unfortunately, in America there is alot of pressure about b***s and have big nice ones. Truth is b***s, if you do get nice sized ones don't stay looking picture perfect for very long. That's why so many of us resort to surgeries that can cause permanent damage to are bodies, have to be redone every 5-15 years blah blah blah....but this is the America we have created...

    Cute suits padding

    check out links

  11. i dont get the question? sorry

  12. The bra discussion should have been between you and your daughter only. A bra without padding will be sufficient and a good compromise to her wearing a bra to swim class. As a 7th grader it is important to let her know how her body needs time to make its own adjustments without the added accessories. Wearing a bra to bed at her age is't necessary, I'm not sure it will stunt her development, but it seems as though it may become un comfortable after a while. Don't teacher bad habits so soon.

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