
I need advice for my interview tomorrow...?

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I have an interview with GameStop tomorrow. I'm 17 and I have absolutely no retail experience, but I really want this job. Out of the 15 applications I did, only one other place called me back and interviewed me, and I didn't get the job.

This gamestop is in the mall, and there's a lot of competition for the jobs. What can I say to make them think I have something they need, more than someone with experience?

I love video games, and I know I'd be good at recommending games. But then, probably most people looking for the job can do that.

The closest things I've had to job experience are the website I manage for a realtor now, and working on my senior yearbook.

Any tips for anything I can do to get the edge?




  1. Narrate your experience during managing your senior yearbook and website.  This can show your skills and professionalism as well.  Other tips on interviews can be found in  This site can surely help you!

  2. There are business related skills in both the yearbook activities and in managing that website that might be applicable, depending on what kids of questions you are asked. It seems like you are an industrious young person. I would do a little research about the company and maybe try to prepare for possible questions so your interview goes smoothly.

  3. I supervise eight people at work. With a seventeen year old they are not going to be expecting that much in the way of experience, thought you know the product which is a by plus.  They will want someone who is reliable who shows up on time when schedualed. They are trying to make money.

    SInce you will be dealing with the public they will also want to know how you act with people. Can you keep your cool wiht an irrate customer. You will also will be dealing with people who have different views about things than you have. Your employer does not want someone who will argue about customers.

    Good Luck

  4. Appear energetic, enthusiastic, intelligent and reliable. Tell them you love the games and love helping people find games they'll like. Let them know you're willing to pitch in and do whatever the job requires.

    And ask them what you'd need for them to give the job to you. It sounds bold, but it's a standard sales question. They may like your initiative in asking. And their answer may tell you what you need to know to stand out.

  5. hey dude, listen i know this guy his like einstien back in highschool but weak on personality and communication skills you can say he isn't fan of social utilities. Any how i thought his going to bcome this successful person the dude is a security guard because he lacks a life skill (communication). Man im a smart guy myself but im not a worker person my hands are soft i don't work but i can promise you i can get a job fast and i am confident about that. It's all about character and personality man if you make the interviewer laugh, that's enough be funny but don't turn it into comedy stand up, be confident but not too much it destroy everything. At the end of the day its your drive, image and  most important enthusiasm. Tomorow's interview result will be a reflection of your motivation and enthusiasm simple.

    JUST REMEMBER it's all about first impressionin about 10 seconds they will ignite negative and positive impressions try to break the ice your running the show! i know this cause i use to be one good salesman ;) and i was cold calling so i knew the importance of first impressions once you portray a positive impression and make them feel comfortable with your presence and humour you know you got them.


    Success is going from failure to failure without a loss of enthusiasm- Sir Winston Chruchill <--- just incase you don't get the position :P

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