
I need advice for my problems

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Good news!

I've given up masturbation and moved on to cutting!

Anyone got any advice on how to clean up my pathetic existence?




  1. Talk to somebody about your problems instead of covering them up with endorphins. Problems only get bigger when you avoid them.

  2. I see you have given up self utilization, for self mutilation. What a fall that must have been.

    Self-mutilation falls on the line of personality disorders, or depressive disorders.

    There are two solutions.

    1. Anti-depressant drugs, which are effective, but have negative long term effects. or

    2. A repairing of your personal female ego.

    What you have in your head are thoughts/emotions that (what should be your stable) mind is unhappy with. These thoughts are so gruesome, that they make you think little of yourself, and make you physically get rid of them by injuring yourself. You have to project your desire to hurt yourself, into a less painful, and traumatizing outlet.

    When the thoughts arise, enticing you to slice your arm, (or whatnot) find another way of getting rid of them. Poetry, or just writing works well. Do you have a diary? Are you in control of your mind, or is your addiction? One must become greater than their competitor to conquer them.

  3. Try professional help don't let this go on!

    Why give up masturbation? It is a natural and good release.

    You need someone in your life to give you the support and guidance you need to focus on and think outside your own problems. Have you seen the 2003 film 'Secretary'? please watch it if not. Consider a different kind of relationship.

    Also, your existence could help others, have you ever felt the great emotions you can get from helping others as a volunteer?  I strongly advise this, you will be amazed and fulfilled!  

  4. Don't cut yourself either. Go to a counselor or someone who can help you with your problems.

  5. give JESUS  a try!!!!

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