
I need advice for starting my own paranormal team?

by Guest63083  |  earlier

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Well I have my sceptic friends they will gladly do it with me but where when and how?




  1. The Internet is full of websites that will help you. I will try to remember to add some of them in the sources section before posting this. There may be teams already in your area if you want to get with them and do joint investigations.

    There are a number of books available also like Trent Brandon's the Ghost hunters Bible. Most people start out by visiting famous haunted locations and they watch for places that are considered haunted.

    The websites and books will explain the methods, theory, and tools of the trade  modern researchers use.***

  2. Just start calling yourself a paranormal team.  There's no licensing or certification involved.  Just don't charge people for it since you can't prove you're really doing anything.  Have fun.

  3. Tell all your friends what you want to do and enlist all your friends that are interested and go for it.

  4. This article tells how to go about putting together a team with links to more articles on the step-by-step how-to's.

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