
I need advice from someone in show business [disney related question]?

by  |  earlier

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I'm sending in my resume and headshot to J.O.N.A.S., I'm really new at this [I swear I've got the talent part down though!] I just want to know people like to see on resumes, I don't have alot of experience to put down. And also, any advice to get some gigs?




  1. A resume should list your experience, training, special skills, and contact information. No more and no less.

    Furthermore, it needs to be said that Disney asking kids from across the country to send in their headshots and resumes is really just a promotional thing to get kids interested in the show by thinking they might be able to get cast in it. When they cast the show, all the roles will be filled by people who live in LA and are sent to the audition through their agents. If they care enough about their image in the face of this "talent search" (which I'm guessing they do), they might have a couple people in the cast give some interviews about how they're from some other part of the country and they were found on a nationwide talent search, but statements like this must be taken with a grain of salt (just like any other bit of information you get from someone in the entertainment industry). They certainly won't select someone with no professional experience who just happens to mail them a headshot and resume and spend the time and money to fly them out to LA and put them through the audition process.

    If you still want to send these people your headshot and resume, then go right ahead. Just don't get your hopes up. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if your return address got signed up for junk mail from Disney.

  2. yeah sorry idk but OMG how do you audition??

  3. You don't have the talent part down, I'm sure because if you are aiming just to be on a ******* disney channel show then you just want bullshit.

    you dont' like acting, you want to be famous.

    disney is c**p. they dont give a **** about talent.

    you will not be on the disney channel. just see for yourself if you dont believe me.

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