
I need advice on a car that i purchased w/high payments. dealer falsified paperwork to finance me now cant aff

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i purchased a car 2 years ago. my credit isn't the best. the dealership falsified my income to allow me approval of the car. since i have been seperated(1 year) i have been having trouble paying my car note. its really messing up my credit. i am so far in debt i don't see how i will ever get out of this situtation. by the way i have 3 more years of payments remaining. I am in need of legal advice.




  1. Sell the car, ask the finance company if they will do a short sale to help you out. They may not want to hear it at all if its an SUV, you'll be too far under.

  2. The car dealer may have falisified the income, but didn't you sign the paperwork and agree to the contract??????  You can try and re-finance the can check out do re-fi's....or sell it to get out from under the debt. You can look up a local attorney, most will see you on a first free consultation, but unfortunately, you alternatives are limited really. Either, re-fi, sell it or file bankruptcy, which should be your very last resort!!  When purchasing a vehicle the first thing you should do is do a search and see how much the vehicle is valued at, then figure out if you can afford or not. You should know what you pay for all your expenses and then figure in an auto loan to know if you could handle the payments. If the dealership falsified the income, you should have walked away. Seeking legal advice might help you in the long run, but I doubt they can do anything because you signed the paperwork agreeing to the deal. I don't mean to sound harsh, but those are the facts from what I read in your post.

    Good Luck!

  3. You don't need legal advice, you need a plan. You need a plan to either sell this car or take a second job to pay it off, and fast.

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