
I need advice on a troubled friend?

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I have a friend who used to be very diligent, quiet, driven, and seem happy. she has a weird family situation.. off the scene mom, young mother sister... her dad made her go away for a year (he wanted a minor to pay rent). now she's back and she smokes pot several times a day and she has thought about suicide. shes even considering not finishing high school.. fresh and soph year she was straight As...

idk how to help her.

please give me advice other than just "staying her friend"




  1. You could give your friend a different alternative to feeling happy. And I think a lot of young people have thought about suicide. I wouldn't be too concerned about the pot smoking. I mean, I love to chill out if you know what I mean. But, it isn't save for a young mind to do it. No one should touch pot until they're at least 17-18 years old. The mind's not fully developed by then. Anyways, unfortunately your friends gonna have to live and learn. I helped a friend out when he was that age, and I had my own d**n problems, but you need to just try to be a listener for her. Get her to vent to you in some way and see what's going on. Now I don't know who she gets her weed from but its one thing to have a "dealer" and another to have a friend who's a "dealer". If she begins to hang out with the drug using crowd then she will take a fall. I've been there when I was a teen but like I said, she'll have to live and learn. You may stop being friends with one another in the end, which sucks. I lost some friends because I started spending my leisure time smoking but now, 5 years later I've mended my relationships with those who didn't partake in the pot festivities. It's sad because your friend's already in a bad spot with her Dad (who sounds like a d**k by the way) and if he catches her being high then things will escalate. I guess to sum up all of what I'm trying to convey is...get her to talk to you because thats the best thing you can do for her; is to listen. And get her to do some other activity other then smoking weed.

  2. carry her to the school's councilor and be supportive of her turning her life a round try to get her stop smoking,hope i helped.

  3. Talk to her, thats the olnly simple answer, tell how much you are worried about her and she'll probably be grateful to have somene to talk to, it sounds like you've been her friend for a long time.. this probably means she trusts you and wold grately appreciate having you to talk about her worries, stresses and strains, she can get help (smoking pot) if you support her. Stick by her and support her out of this tricky stage.. Tell her you will support her through this

    good luck!


  4. be helpful

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