We dated for a few months and I was convinced we were totally in love. Our relationship was GREAT but he was dealing with a few issues that he needed to deal with so he broke up with me. We were broken up about 2 months when I texted him and he said he was hoping I would call. He asked me to meet him for a drink and when I for there ( he was a little buzzed, not drunk) he put his arms around me and told me how much he missed me and loved me and how stupid he was for letting me go. He admitted to me that he had been seeing his ex for the past few weeks but that he broke up with her and what a mistake it was. We had a great night and he called me to hang out the next day. We spend practically the whole day together and were lauging and talking like nothing had ever changed. I had alot of questions for him about his ex and he answered everything I threw at him. He kept telling me he loved me and referred to me as his girl. I even overheard him telling his friend how great I was. I spent the night and we spent the next day just cuddling and talking in bed. We had a really good conversation on the phone that night and he asked me what time I got off work the next day. He said he would call me after work. I texted him later that night and he never answered. Yesterday I texted him asking why he wasn't talking to me, saying its not fair for him to do this to me, he replied telling me he was gonna take a nap and he would call me. I never heard from him. I sent him one more asking him to tell me if he was back with her just to tell me and I would leave him alone. He never answered. I don't know why he wouldn't just tell me to leave him alone if thats what he wanted. Even if he just sent me a text at least I would know. What's the point of not saying anything? He dated this girl on and off for 5 years and had been broken up for 2 years when we met. She has a bad problem with drugs and drinking and also slept with some of his friends. She has done horrible things to him so I don't know what he see's in her. Can a relationship like that really last? I can't be sure that he's with her but I don't know why he won't talk to me.