
I need advice on potty training my 2 1/2 year old daughter....?

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She's been wanting to go, and is very intrested in going...but when its time she'll sit there for hours..i dont want her to get a uti or anything so i try to put a diaper on her so she will go, but she just screams at me saying diapers are for babys..i've tried bribing and everything i can think of...HELP!!!




  1. Diaopers ARE for babies!  Would you want to wear one if you thought you were too big?

    You are sending her mixed signals by putting a diaper on hher and sitting her on the potty.  If you want her to think she is big enough to use the potty- ditch the ciapers.  Either put panties on her and teach her how to pull them up and down, or let her be naked for a few days until she begins to use the potty.

    This is my preferred way...naked.  I have always potty trained children naked for many reasons.  It heps them to "see" the pee come out of them and they get a bigger awareness of what goes on with the whole potty thing, and they seem to hold it longer and better if they have nothing on (at least at first).  

    I think diapers and pull ups just proong the whole process by confusing the child into not knowing when it's okay to pee in his pants and when it's not.  If he is constantly switched from underwear to diaper and back again, no wonder he will take so long to potty train.

    My advice...ditch all pull ups and diapers and potty train in the nude for about 4 or 5 days.  If your daughter seems to be going to her potty and USING it more often, put panties on hr.  If not, keep it up for a few more days.  

    Have some cleaner and rags around to clean up, and includer her in the cleaning.  

    Potty trainng should only take about two weeks if done with seriousness adn if the child is ready.  AT 2 and a half, there should be NO reason why she isn't ready, assuming she doesn't have any developmental issues.

    Good luck!

  2. Sounds like she wants to but then doesn't for some reason.  Maybe you can give her a sticker everytime she goes in the potty - not just sits on it.

  3. Rule #1 in potty training is never go back to diapers once you start.  She isn't going to get a UTI for sitting on the pot.  You get them by not wiping properly.  

    I can't really comprehend a 2 year old "sitting for hours".  That doesn't seem right.

    Huggies makes a free DVD on potty training with fun songs.  It is available through their website.  

    My only other advice is that since she is a girl - she may like this idea.  Have you purchased or tried a doll that pees?  She can take care of the doll, sit the doll on the potty and watch her pee.  This may get the ball rolling.

  4. What has been working for us is what we are calling potty training bootcamp. For the first two or three days I sat out in the backyard with him and a gallon of water and a kiddie pool, and a potty. We let him run around naked so that when he started to pee he could see what was happening. He learned to put the feeling and the action togethor. By the end of the weekend he was getting better about knowing when he had to pee. Starting Monday we put him in underpants with plastic pants and took him to the potty every 20 min wether he had to go or not. If he was dry all morning he got a sticker and then if he is dry all afternoon he get another. When he had earned 5 stickers he gets a brownie(his favorite)

    It takes time, but he is starting to get the idea. You just need to be patient and find out what motivates her. For us it is brownies, Once you start you can't stop and it is best to try to stay home for at least a week, until she is relaiably dry at home. If we have to go out we still use pull ups.

    I wouldn't worry too much. Children learn to use the toilet anywhere between the ages of 18 months to 4 years old. I have seen plenty of 3 year olds who are still using pull ups occasionally. Every child is different and you need to find what works for you. When she gets it, she will start to move very fast and before you know it you will be giving away the diapers.

    Good Luck


  5. Buy her big girl underwear ones with her favorite characters on them. I bought some for my son and he thought they wetr amazing!! Potty trained in 1 day no lie. Do not use PULL UPS!!! Good Luck!!!

  6. put her in underwear or leave her run around the house without anything this helped mine when he was 2.

  7. Give her salty sancks so she'll want to drink more. The more she drinks, she will HAVE to go.

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