
I need advice on the sixth grade?

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I just want to know the basic supplies I need.Well of course I need a notebook and paperand pencils but like any other things. And all I want to know is what should I expect




  1. make friends with the loud kids

  2. pen, highlighters,binders, maybe vanilla folders.

    you should expect things to feel weird like you felt wen u first got in to school like kindergarden.but once you get used to it it'll be fun.jus don't try to ba a bully...neva works

  3. Sixth grade as the start of middle school is the going to be the biggest and best time of your life.  Others have made good supply suggestions.   I would add a flash drive and a ream of printer paper and a lot of pencils,  Also an expandable folder that you can take to all classes and put all the papers from the day into it.  I have my son carry this to all classes and everything due the next day in the front of it and one folder for each class for the notes.  Most important is a good agenda.


  4. Besides the basics which u will carry ur pencil box etc u need to be well behaved alert take down what u r teacher wants the class to do. put up ur hand if any question is asked. Go up to the teacher & tell her u will always help her when she needs u by doing odd jobs at school. Be friendly to all but gradually make friends who matter not thr roudy or just un intelligent ones.So keep alert to all thats happening but donot back chat or be a tatler

  5. #2 pencils, calculator, ruler, protractor, pens (black and red),  erasers, post it flags, whiteout tape (not liquid), highlighters, and a planner.

  6. expect a cool year.

  7. Calculator, Compass, Pen (If your allowed to write in ink).

    Think thats it ....

    Just expect certain aspects to become more difficult and don't worry to much cos it will just fly by ...

  8. Just be yourself and talk with new people the first day, I'm not saying put yourself out there to be hurt, but being one of the cool kids can't hurt

  9. Well you might need a protractor and definately a calculator. What you are GOING to get is drama drama drama.. boyfriends, backstabbing friends, That time of the month if you dont have it already, lotsa new friends, hard decisions, FAKE LOVE, (guys will use you for whatever they want) You'll be called little or maybe fresh meat but that goes for fresh man in highschool. (haha thats what im going to be) You wil have a lot of fun, just dont let people ruin your life.

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