
I need advice on weedkiller.

by Guest33736  |  earlier

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im certainly no gardner but this week me and my partner decided to dig out a border in our garden, we've put weedkiller down and had planned on getting floweres tomorrow to plant, but after reading the label on the weedkiller packet it says "treated ground not to be replanted for 6 month" is this just a precaution to protect the company just in case or will it litteraly kill my plants off if i plant before 6 month.???




  1.   it takes 6 months for thepoison to wane. justput some plastic flowers in and keep them clean with windex.

    Sound funny??? I did it and it looks great. And its giving me more time to go  fishing.

  2. If I had a nickel for every time someone does this, I'd be sipping a pina colada on a beach somewhere.  

    The short and unhappy answer is no, you can't plant flowers there for at least 6 months.

    There are a number of different kinds of weed killers on the market. Here's a short list for you.

    Selective Weed Killers - Kill specific types of weeds like dandelions in a lawn or crabgrass.  Also some brush killers.  This weed killer is plant specific, and usually allows re-seeding or re-planting in about 6 weeks.  

    Non-Selective Weed Killers - Kill all plants regardless of what type.  Weed killers like Roundup are non-selective, and are therefore bad for use in areas where weeds and desirable plants are mixed.  HOWEVER, Roundup does not last in the soil, and treated areas can be replanted in about 7 days.  This would have been your best bet.

    Soil Sterilants - These are weed killers that kill all plants and then sterilize the soil so that plants will not re-grow for a minimum of 6 months - sometimes up to one year.  This sounds like what you applied.  Products like Ortho Ground Clear are soil sterilants, and should not be used where you want plants to grow.  

    Sorry - Put a nickel in the jar on your way out.

    Bug Doc

  3. What you have used poisons the soil. The soil may, in fact, remain poisonous for six months or more. You should have used a product such as "Round-Up" or "Preen" which effect the plant. Then you would have been able to re-plant with in 2 weeks.

  4. Yes unfortunutely that's what it means, next time just spray round up.  It won't make the soil infertile for 6 months, you can spray it and plant in the same dirt within the same week.  

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