
I need advice or help.

by Guest66748  |  earlier

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I am a 17 year old girl living in Ohio. I need to know my legal rights. As in what can "I" do to not live with my mother any more. School starts in two weeks and she is saying I have to come back. She tried to kill herself, twice. My parents had me when they were 18 and my real dad doesn't have any legal rights to me. But my mother is saying that no matter what I have to come back and live with her. And I do not want to. So I would like to know if there is anything I can do to fight my mom along with my dad's help. Please help me and give me the advice that I need. I really need to be away from this women but I don't want to go to the state because my dad is an able body, he has a good job and the money to support us, please forgive me the advice or the help.




  1. If your father has no parental rights, it will do little good to try to get a rehearing on it.  Never heard of a case where parental rights were reinstated after they had been surrendered or removed.  Just does not happen.  You might be able to emancipate.  You might not have to go to that extreme.  Since your mother has attempted suicide twice, you may be able to get a hearing to allow you to leave her home legally on the basis of unfit environment.  Any way you go, you'll have to talk to a family law attorney.

    Good luck.  Hope it works out for you.


  3. When you are 18 move out and do as you please, you will be considered an adult.

  4. find a relative or guardian

    or wait to u turn 18

  5. I am NOT a lawyer....

    It seems you and your dad should see a lawyer about getting a custody hearing.  Explain to the judge that living with your mother is not a healthy environment and tell him why.  (Be honest.)  A lawyer will know what to do to (hopefully) allow you to stay with you dad until something more permanant is decided.  (The judge will or should give a lot of weight to YOUR feelings.)  That's the best "advice" I can give.

    Good luck to you.  I'm so sorry you are going through this.

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