
I need advice.... please help!

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Me and my boyfriend are going through a breakup right now. We just moved to another state last year and things have just gone down hill. We dont see eye to eye on anything. We fight about everything. I have decided to move back to my home state on the 15th of August. I am no longer on the lease but did give him the rent for the 15 days, against my better judgement, but I dont like being a mooch. He has been verbally abusive in the past like calling me a bi*ch and cun* , a fat a**, and also telling me that I am worthess and to go back to my drunk mommy and pot head daddy... because his credit is s**+**y and he could not get the apartment by himself his aunt co-signed. Because my mother and father are not as well off as his family, and because they did not co-sign for anything for us, and because they don't fork over money, he says that they are not as good as his family. He says "What has your family done for me.? Nothing... your family is full of losers." My mother and father were not raised up being financially rescued.. They do not pay for my school, I have loans. So to him that makes them bad parents. They just believe that I need to take care of myself. They are the kind of parents that once you turn 18 you pay rent or get out. He has grown up with his mom paying off his bills so that his credit did not turn to c**p but she eventually ould not keep up with it. So that is just a run down of 1/4 of why I am leaving. Oh yea, and when I told his mom about the name calling, her response is "Well, that is how men are"... But my issue is that I got a cell phone about 3 years ago and becuase his credit was so bad he could not get one without paying an outrageous deposit (and he owes sprint like 400) Things were going good at the time so I decided to help him out (at the time I was 19 and he was 23). Now that I am leaving 3 years later, I thought that we could keep things civil and that I would help him out by keeping the phone open and he could just pay me half of the bill. But we keep arguing and he keeps saying things to me like "GOD!!! Why are you still here?!?!" I have no one here and I have responsibilities to my employer to stay for 2 weeks. And hello!!! I paid you for 15 days of rent!!! So I decided to not keep the phone open because I cant trust that he would not do something out of spite. I called and I will have to pay a early terminition fee to shut it off, and told him that, but he is not going to pay it!!! He is trying to stick me will the bill!!! So I told him that he needs to surrender the phone and he does not want to because he did pay like 60 for the phone... but the phone line is in my name and he said that he will continue to use it until it is shut off, but he does not want to pay shut it off!!! I have no money as it is and I am not going to be a 21 year old student paying a 26 year old mans responsibility! He says that he is going to go off and get his own phone contract and I asked him if he would just take the phone he has and take it out if my name and put it into his, because then it will not cost me any money (it will cost him reguarless because his credit is c**p) he does not want to do this! So I asked verizon if I can report the phone stolen because obviously he is not willing to pay or surrender the phone so technically it is stolen... But then he will not be able to use the phone at all. At least if he paid for the early terminittion fee he would be able to take it wherever and get his own plan, but he does not want to do this. He is telling me that because I am choosing to leave and ablonding him that this is my punishment and that I am going to have to pay the bill... I am going to report it stolen but I am not completly sure if he can take me to court or anything... or if I should give him what he originally paid for the phone... it is 2 yrs old and it is all busted up anyways... but I just want to make sure that I am not in the wrong




  1. sounds like you are in the "right", good luck.

  2. I think that are close to the wrong but you are in the right!!!

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