
I need advice...please help(no mean answers please)?

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I just asked an similar question. but...

I really need advice, im so stressed out, i cant talk to any family because they dont listen, and my friends dont help because all of them live ""perfect lives""...And i live a good life but lately everything has been going wrong. I pray, and i read devotions(i am a christian), but it doesn't all help. I dont want to get into the details of whats going wrong because i dont feel safe saying stuff about my life on the internet, but, i just want advice. How do you take your mind of all the bad things, and focus on the good. Im just so scared, and alone right now.




  1. If you don't feel safe about talking about it over the internet, find someone in the church family to talk with you, kind of like a counselor, or maybe a school counselor. Try focusing on something else. Don't go to your friends for advice, instead go to a movie with them or have a girls night out. If thats still not helping, maybe you need new friends. Someone you can relate to more. I wish I could help more, though

  2. Depends on what it is!

  3. Hi,

    If you want to talk to someone about this in confidence, feel free to IM me, you can get my info from my profiles page on here.  

  4. don't know the problem, don't know a solution.

  5. Don't Worry.  The only thing that could help you right now is time.  Time is healing it will pass, and everything will work out.  Time cures all problems.      Do you remember being stressed out some time ago, well now you have a new issue and time healed the old issue.  In life its a learning experience and we all make mistakes and have bad luck at times, but something good will come around the corner.  I have a brother with AIDs, I am a recovering drug addict and have lost my children(i got them back right away), and I have alcoholic parents. I am a successful business woman now. I have stressed my whole life and have learned that i need to go with the flow, and live for the Lord.

  6. You stay busy, exercise, go shoping, pray read psalms 37, go for a walk, and do things you like to do.

  7. You have to continue and have faith in God, knowing that no matter how difficult the situation may seem right now that He will see you through it.  We can't always understand why our lives don't always go the way we think they should, but down the road you will understand why things happened the why they did...

    Nobody lives a perfect life, its just that seem people aren't accepting who they are and the problems they deal with..

    Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you. I will help you. I will uphold you with my victorious right hand.

    Isaiah 41:10

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