
I need advice.......?

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School starts august 12.. I have a bad sleeping schuedle. I cant sleep till about 3 30 and wake up at 1 or 2 pm. DO you think i should start going to bed at 11 and waking up at 6 30? wat do i do?




  1. i am having the same problem try to go to bed at 10:00

  2. try taking a sleeping pill (just for one night, NOT every night. it can develop into a dangerous addiction) and wake up at the time you would normally wake up for school. That way you will be on track. you may be tired through out the day but you will fall right to sleep and your body will be on a schedule.

  3. Start going to bed late and wake up fairly early.

    Don't allow yourself to take naps throughout the day either :)

    If you do this, you will be wanting to go to bed earlier and gradually you will get on the right schedule.

    Good luck!!


  4. u should go to bed and wake up a little earlier each day. if you do this u will eventually get back to a normal sleeping schudule

  5. i used to be the same way as you.

    i stopped it by everynight just cutting down my time that i went to sleep . for example if you go to bed at 3:30 , make it a half hour earlier every night or an hour earlier . and for the mornings , just set an alarm clock and you should be fine =]

  6. you should sleep at-10:30 and wake up at-5:30

  7. Get an alarm clock and set it for you to wake up an hour earlier. Like if you sleep at 3 am set the alarm to 12, the next night 11, and so forth. DO NOT GO BACK TO SLEEP! That will make you sleep earlier and earlier.

  8. for me it's very simple problem.... it is in change that attitude...a student  is a student so study that problem..sleep early or late?w/c is better?

  9. i definately do the same thing.

    but start school later so i still have  time to change

    my sleeping schedule. i suggest trying to sleep 15 min earlier everynight and wake up 1/2 hr earlier every morning that way you just dont wake up groggy and tired. you'll get used to it :].

    if you cant sleep try taaking a warm shower or readng a book

    or try to stay awke and you'll fall asleep way faster!

  10. Slowly start going to bed earlier and waking up earlier. Ease in to it. Then a week before, be on the schedule you'll need for school.  

  11. I wake up at 6:30 to! Um I would say if you don't want to be really tired I would got to bed around 8:00 to 9:00 if you go to bed at 8 you'll probably have 10 and a half hours of sleep and 9:00 9 and a half hours of sleep!

  12. why does your school start so early? =[[

    i think you should start winding down around 10:30 and by 11:30, you should be laying in your bed. do relaxing things before bed, not stressful(just a hint):]

  13. Do not eat too much cheese and some drink like c**k, coffee or tea if you do have such kind of eating habbit.

    train yourself go to be before 10 oclock now and set alarm clock around 7 clock.  There are still 10 days left you could be easily tune up your biological clock at that time.

    Once you grew up got the chance to go abroad in asia to work ... all of suddent you have to use this way to force yourself to sleep to overcome your jet lag time zone.  That is really help.

    Do not take any nap in the afternoon and do lot of physical work out, then I bet you will like to go to bed by 10 oclock

  14. start going to sleep and waking up the same time you will when school starts.

    goodluck in school!

  15. weird that ur school starts then outrschool doesnt start unitl the 2nd of sept. but yeah thats sorta what i have but ive been waking up early for work and it does help me get back to my rutine. maby try cutting out caffiene after like 3pm to.. htat might be a little factor of keeping u up. (does for me. lmao) but yeah even 12 would get u back into a normal sleep pattern for school.

    best of luck for sleeping and school. lol

  16. Get back to a normal sleep pattern.  I am the same way i really should be doing that to. haha

  17. wow, school where im at doesn't start until august 19. haha that kinda sucks for you. but anyways i do that too, i do that like every summer actually. i dont really do anything. what i do is the night before school starts i take a benedryl or some kind of sleeping pill to make me fall asleep. but, if that doesn't work for you, that would be a good idea. you should start going to bed at like 11 or 10p.m and waking up earlier so you can at least get in the habit of waking up early.

  18. You should probably start getting back on a normal sleep schedule. A good way to get back on schedule,is to go to sleep a half hour-an hour earlier each night. Until you get to the time you ideally want to go to sleep at. I hope this helps!

  19. You should probably start working on getting back to a normal sleeping schedule.

    I know from experience that it's tough to get to bed at a decent hour when you're used to being up late...

    It would be helpful for you to first work on waking up earlier...and then you should feel yourself getting tired earlier. Even if you set your alarm tomorrow for noon, then 11:30 the day after, 11...until you get to the time you need for school. Your body will adjust your sleep schedule accordingly.

    Good luck!

  20. slowly change it to normal.

    my school starts monday and i have no clue what im going to do. lol.

    im probably going to wake up really early sunday so i can sleep good that night. lol.

    Best of Luck :]

  21. Okay same thing with me, I go to bed at like 2 and sleep in until about 1 or 2pm. So lately until school starts I sm going to get up at 8am so I will get sleepier at night and go to bed ealier, and its helping me get back on a regular sleep schedule.  
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