
I need advice quickly !!?

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does anybody know any enviromental issues which affect the goverment ??




  1. every single one of them.  Whether they are true or false as real issues, politicians use them to advance their own agenda.  Government imposes environmental restrictions that often constrict small businesses and trouble the American economy.  Examples: Many people are afraid of possible hazards to nuclear power, and even though safety and security for these plants are far improved from 30 years ago, state and federal government has made it almost impossible to build and put to use new Nuclear power facilities, which if you believe in manmade global warming (which, truth be told, i don't) robs us of another clean fuel by which to fuel our homes and businesses.

    Also, the governmental restrictions that keep oil companies from drillling in ANWR hampers us from the ability to tap from a huge and American controlled source of oil (which would increase supply domestically, and also decrease cost - therefore lowering price).  The restrictions were put in place to protect the mating habits of Alaskan caribou.

  2. Environmental issues affect the government because activists are also voters.  This is true for all activism, not just environmental activism.  When an issue attracts enough activists (voters) the politicians see  that they can get more votes by supporting the issue.  

    It does not matter if the activist (voter) is scientifically correct, nor do consequences matter.  For the politician, the math is simple.  Support = votes.

    In this way activism (environmental or other) affect the government.

  3. There is a global need for alternative fuels.  The USA is promoting ethanol production to countries in the process of industrializing.  Ostensibly, the explanation is this will prevent adding to the problems of resource depletion, pollution, and Global Warming.  The availability of subsidies for ethanol production has led many countries to cut down their forests as fast as they can.  In the majority of cases the technology being implemented is old and discredited, so this isn't going to help those countries at all, it will mainly delay their plans to industrialize.  I think in many of those countries the Leadership is aware of this, just as the American government is.  They just want the money in these cash poor regions.

  4. the best issue would be deforestation. perhaps you know that word so i don't need to explain.

  5. Deforestation is the clear down of forest area. The deforested land is either use for crops or stays as bare land. The soil erosion and landslides accelerates from deforestated areas. Ultimately it affects water bodies and people living down side of the deforested areas. Victims of flood and diseases due to consumption of contaminated water finally draws the attention of government. And for your question, deforestation is one of the environmental issue. I hope you got the point.

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