
I need advice to get rid of bad neck pain.

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Since weeks I have a very stiff neck. I know I could go to a Chiropractiker, but is there any training I could do to easy this?




  1. I'd look into getting a massage and/or maybe changing your bed pillow.

  2. First go to a doctor, change sleeping pillow, do yoga, and find a massager

  3. Back and neck pain is a $$ maker for chiropractors.  They will tell you that you are a walking mess !!!  and the only way that you'll ever be right is to come to them for adjustments 2 or 3 times a week for the rest of your life.  If you don't rack up a 2K or 3K bill, the chiropractor will try and pressure you or make you feel guilty for not coming as much as they want you to.  That has been my experience.  Some people actually claim to be helped by Chiropractors.  I think it's either a mental thing or just loosening up your body if they actually help you.  Also..........for those of you who would hate me for telling the truth, ask your chiropractor if he or she can induce a stroke or heart attack with an improper neck adjustment.  See what the Chiropractor says...................................o... if they tell the truth.  Check in to it.

  4. massage is best ..

  5. yoga it comes from bad posture try u tubing downward dog and neck stretches  

  6. id go to an doctor, stiff neck can also be cauzed by various diseases

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