
I need advice... trying to conceive?

by  |  earlier

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hi i have a question i started my cycle july 30 and it carried over into august it lasted 7 days did i ovulate around the 16th? i had unprotected s*x on the 12th of august and ive been experiencing brown discharge and cramping my periods are 29 days apart.....




  1. you probably ovulated around the 13th, so you hit a fertile day, hope you get a positive! you can test around the 24th or 25th :)

    you can also in the meantime ask a doctor online for free for advice and find others going through this experience, try

    good luck!!

  2. I went to the calculator I use and It said that you would have O'ed around the 13th. Which can or could not be correct. In all the months I charted, I o'ed as early as day 12 of my cycle to as late as day 18. I would use OPKs although it can get expensive. Its worth it. Temping only tells you AFTER you ovulate. I did it all, the temping, OPK and montor. But it was worth it. depending on when you O'ed, the calculators base it on oing on the 14th day, if you were pregnant, you would be 3 are in the period for implantation to begin right now. SO give it a week and then test. IF you don't normally experience spotting before your period, then I would say there is a chance it could be implantation spotting, but not many women get it. I spotted normally before my periods and cramped too, so It was hard for me to say I think Im pregnant. But the 2nd time I knew. It was instint. I peed and pushed really hard and patted down there and had 2 specks of blood on the toilet tissue and I just knew...even though I didnt get a + for 2 days after that, it was JUST implanting. Good luck.

  3. goodluck

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