
I need advise [a girls point of few prefered]?

by  |  earlier

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now this is a long story and i wil try to give a short summary of it

i have a friend [well call him jim]

now jim and i have been friends for 10 years an we are best friends

but jim is a player

now jim goes on my msn [he had permission to as he needed a friedns msn] and he also adds like 10 other girls

he ends up dateing 2 of them [god friends] i get mad and introduse the 2

now girl 1 is a good friend who moved to another part of the contry [and i like her ]

girl 2 lives is a online friend

so they plan revenge

then i find out bout girl 3 a ex who got back with him si i introdused her to the 2

then i find out he got 2 more of my friends to strip on cam , i tell girl 3 and she gets so mad she yells at him and tells the plan

now u would think after that gilr 1 would know how big of a *** jim is [girl 2 does] but no she doesnt :( insteard she has fallen for him

she thinks he cares bout her [ive know him long enough to know that is not true] and idk what to say to her , liek i like her but i dont want her to know as i have way to much going on in life right now [my ex keeps trying to get back with me i think a girl at works lieks me, ect.]

now girl 1 is a very good friend and i dont want her to get hurt , and there nothing more i can tell her bout jim as she knows it all shes seen waht hes like and like i cant figer out y shes still with him :(

please help i need advise




  1. If she doesnt want to listen to you after all that then let her learn for herself who he really is.

  2. well since yu already told her;

    nd it doesnt seem to be working shes gonna get hurt in the end;

    nd wen she does be there for her

    nd comfort her . [;

    hhope i helped

  3. I'm not a girl but I will give you my opinion of the whole situation anyways.  Jim sounds like a loser.  No offense.  You did the right thing by telling girl 1 about Jim but there isn't anything else you can do at this point for her.  It is her choice, whether a dumb one or not, you should respect it.  Girl 1 will mature one day on her own and maybe Jim will do and hopefully both of them wise up.  But maybe you shouldn't fuel the fire by getting all these girls after Jim, but you yourself should talk to Jim.....after all you said he was your best friend right?

  4. to long i did not read it all  

  5. Its not your part, well you've already done your part and she just

    cant listen. When she does figure it out, she's going to get hurt. But

    theres really nothing you can do about it, its her choice.

  6. All you can do is tell her the truth about what's going on. She has to make her own choices in life. Sometimes that means mistakes, too.

  7. Shorten you story and use correct grammar. Then you might be able to be helped. But it's a stupid situation. Get over it.

  8. just do what u feel is right.....and not what ur friends think u should do.......look out 4 #1....which would b u  

  9. honestly... u need to re-do this. this makes absolutely no sense! im sorry

  10. haha what ????

  11. She still wants to be with bhim because she has low self-esteem and thinks she can't do any better. My advice to you is to let her be stupid and get hurt. That's probably what she's going to do anyway.  

  12. I'm so confused.  Who's on first?

  13. too much drama...

    and I got to like the 4th sentence.

  14. Seems like ``Jim``Needs to get his aZZ  beat.

  15. wow drama city right there...well i would tell girl 1 some old stories about your friend jim to not hurt her in a way but to show her that jim isnt a good person and tell her that you care about her and dont want her to get hurt by him...if hes a player sooner or later she will get hurt and i would say she find out about him before something bad happens....

  16. Why would you choose some ho over your friend?

    Bro's before ho's, dude.

  17. sorry that was too hard for me to understand so i have to say ,what but anyways good luck with whatever

  18. girls tend to be like that... the best thing you could to is find some sort of proof...

  19. leave it be he'll slip up and do some thing stupid and she'll see he didn't really care about her.

    its men like that that makes us women not want to get married at all or have a bf they are jerks.

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