
I need advise about life ....?

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my sister is 17 I'm 16 she dresses better than me,shes taller than me and more popular I'm not jealous i think its cool but i want to shine now you know i want to dress provocative and be my self around my family and not have to put up a shield. I'm the youngest but i want to be noticed all ready! my family looks at me like I'm 12 and my mindset is mature my body is mature and I'm ready to be myself around every one. i want to wear make up i want to wear hills ad have my boyfriend meet my family but its like I'm stuck because i still want to be looked at as the baby... the youngest one.




  1. You will always be looked at as the youngest one, no matter what.  

    So let the petals of a mature flower be shown, go on and strut your stuff..

  2. Alright this is coming from an almost 20 year old so brace yourself! haha

    If you want your family to take you seriously first you have to take yourself seriously. Personally I feel that dressing provocatively makes it harder to be taken seriously. There's a fine line between dressing s**y (but respectfully) and sleazy.

    Figure out who you want to be, style, personality, interests etc. You don't need to change who you are entirely to gain the respect you want.

    I've been put in the same situation almost my whole life! My mom still treats me like a child and I'm almost an adult. Remind your parents that you are not a little kid and that you are entitled to the same type of maturity that is given your sister.

    The best way to break out of your shell is just by doing it! If you're constantly hiding behind a wall that's how your parents will always view you, gradually let your true self show and your parents will be more accepting.

  3. You have to decide on what do you want and what would be benefical for you. Whether you want to be taken seriously and let those see that you are maturing into a young adult or continue to play the baby.

    Nothing is wrong with growing up, everyone has to do it one day. the question is when.

  4. I would just be completely real with your parents. Sit them down and share your heart/feelings/emotions. Tell them that you want to be able to grow into the young woman that you have become, and you feel sometimes that they are hindering that in ways. Tell them you have your own life and desires and callings and you look to them to help you live and walk that out. Tell them you desire to be loved and cherished and noticed and its hard when you feel like you aren't going anywhere.

    I also encourage you, don't try to get noticed be dressing provocative or wearing heels or showing off your body. Women do that, i know, but its not the way God intended for a woman to shine. Women are beautiful inside and out, and you can be noticed by the way you are beautiful on both the inside and out. But don't let yourself become an object of lust to men, because trust me, if you are dressing in a way that's revealing your "stuff" then most people, especially men, won't see you and notice you in the way you desire. They will be staring at your body and not you. Even if you are trying to please your bf by dressing this way, then the relationship won't be healthy because he isn't with you because of you, but because you are showing your stuff.

    I am a 23 year old guy. It breaks my heart when I see young women trying to be seen by showing off their body, (im not saying you are, but with that word provocative in your question, it seems you might be tempted to...) T

    There you go, you asked the question on a public website knowing you could get any answer, so i gave you mine. I hope it helps in whatever way. Take care with your life and be wise. If you have anymore questions or comments about what i said, email me if you want, its not big deal.Take care.

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